UNITED NATIONS — Ambassadors, religious leaders and U.N. officials joined Sri Chinmoy here December 14 in a programme celebrating the holiday spirit of human oneness.

Televised excerpts from the programme, called “Oneness-Earth,” were broadcast nationwide by CBS on Christmas Day. Sri Chinmoy concluded the event with these words: 

“The desire-man demands division-earth. The aspiration-man yearns for oneness-earth. Oneness-earth means God-Satisfaction in its universal dream-reality. Dream is the oneness of the earth-family; reality is the perfection ever-transcending of the earth-family.”

Other speakers included the Ambassador of Panama, a representative of the African National Congress, the Director of the International Year of the Child Secretariat, the U.N. Observer for Pope Paul and officials from the U.S. Mission and the United Nations. 

Published in Anahata Nada, Vol. 4, No. 12, January 4, 1978