— Death —
What is death? The eternal pilgrim’s short rest. What is death? A necessary experience of the finite at the present stage of evolution. What is death? A shattering blow aimed at the desiring man and an awakening hand for the aspiring seeker.
2. There are two types of desiring men. One type thinks death is evil because death does not allow them to fulfil their teeming desires on earth. Another type thinks that the fruits of their desire are very painful. The more they desire the more they will suffer. The more they stay on earth the more they will desire. When the desires are fulfilled
they are unhappy. When the desires are not fulfilled they are unhappy. And as long as they stay on earth, they will be compelled to remain unhappy. Therefore they want to embrace death.
There are two types of aspiring men. One type feels that death must be conquered so that they can manifest the kingdom of heaven on earth. And that the human life must be divinely transformed into the divine life and flooded with divine light! The other type feels it is not the human body that has to be transformed but the earth-bound human consciousness that has to be transformed
into the heaven-free consciousness. In order to do that one has to stay on earth indefinitely for a long time.
(?) - - (Bengali word)
It is the divine con. that will transform earth-reality and manifest divinity and Immortality.
2. He who does not aspire . . . Aspi is new life. Aspiration . . .
3. To an unaspiring man, death is destruction. To an aspir. man, death is a mystery. To a greatly advanced seeker, death is a short rest. To a God-realised yogi,
[death is] an instrument of God. This instrument consciously frightens the unaspiring men and unconsciously inspiring men. To expedite its spiritual journey so that then before the arrival it achieves something quite significant for the mother earth.
4. The unaspiring people never live. Their constant fear of death never allows them to live. The aspiring man never dies for his inner life has consciously established an inner connection with the Eternal Life.
Every moment divinely used is a powerful contribution to life and an added life. Every moment undivinely used or wasted is a powerful contr. to and (?) stretching span of death. Death knocks at our door when we try to make friends with the discouraging disappointing and unfulfilled past. Life makes friends with us when we consc. try to bring down the golden future into the immediacy of today and in the core of the Eternal Now.
Earth-life is preparation. Death-arrival is relaxation. Heaven-life is aspiration. God-love is realisation. Man-perfection is God-satisfaction. God-satisfaction is the beginnging of his silence-life and the (?) of his sound-life.
The above draft formed the basis of Sri Chinmoy’s lecture, entitled ‘Death’, which he delivered at the University of Newcastle in England on 27 June 1974. The lecture was subsequently published in My Rose Petals, Part 3, by Agni Press in 1974.