Date of composition of poem:
Set to music:
Sheet music (Western):
Recording of Sri Chinmoy singing:
circa 5-7 June 1974
28 November 1976
see below
not yet available
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General notes:
i. On the evening of 28 November 1976, Sri Chinmoy spontaneously set tune to 300 poems from his book of 1,000 poems, Europe-Blossoms, and performed the songs at a public recital in Jamaica, Queens, New York. Included in his selection was ‘Beauty Came to Me’, a poem he wrote in Switzerland between 5-7 June 1974, during his month-long European lecture tour. The poem, originally titled ‘They Came to Me', is number 531 in the Europe-Blossoms series.
ii. The 300 songs were subsequently published by Agni Press (New York, NY) as two songbooks, both containing 150 songs each – Surrender-Lotus-Blossoms (1 December 1976) and Surrender-Rose-Blossoms (1 January 1977).
Beauty Came to Me
Beauty came to me
Like the morning rose.
Duty came to me
Like the morning sun.
Divinity came to me
Like the morning aspiration.