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Sri Chinmoy lifts Guido De Marco, President of the UN General Assembly, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy achieves a standing vertical jump of 34 inches, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy and meets with the mayors of Kuzma (Slovenia), Felsőszölnök (Hungary) and St. Martin an der Raab (Austria) at a ceremony uniting the three countries at the border to unveil a plaque dedicated to world harmony.
Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation and performs on the esraj at an international concert, attended by 3,000 people, including eleven European Union members, and broadcast live on national and international TV, at the National Theatre in Maribor, Slovenia.
Sri Chinmoy lifts government officials and members of parliament from three European countries, and academics from nine countries, in Oslo, Norway.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Love, Devotion and Surrender’, at St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University, in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy composes his 1,000th Bengali song Tomari Name Phuteje Phul in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy runs the Newsday Long Island Marathon in a time of 4:26:56, with personal best split times for 25 km, 2:20.30; half-marathon, 1:54:30; and 13 miles, 1:54:04, on Long Island, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (305) — Peace: Divinity’s Dream on Earth — at the First Unitarian Church in Providence, RI, USA. Listen to the CD...
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development, at the United Nations Church Centre in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (498) in honour of India’s 50th Anniversary of Independence — the 29th in a series of 50 concerts during 1997 — at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Professor Arne Naess, in Oslo, Norway.
A reception in honour of Sri Chinmoy, hosted by Deputy Mayor Svenn Kristiansen, is held at Oslo City Hall in Oslo, Norway.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Each Nation In Its Place Is Great’, in Conference Room 9, at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy offers a meditation and delivers a lecture, entitled ‘The Quintessence of Patriotism’, at the Naval Air Station in Willow Grove, PA, USA.
Commenting on Sri Chinmoy’s 12’ x 27’ canvas, ‘Larger than the Largest’: “This one is amazing. One universe; compact.” — Henry Geldzahler, Curator of the 20th Century Art Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1969-1977)
Sri Chinmoy meets with the distinguished art curator Henry Geldzahler of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, who came to view the Master’s paintings at his Jharna-Kala Gallery, 200 Mercer Street in lower Manhattan, New York, NY, USA. Mr. Geldzahler selects a group of paintings from the gallery for a travelling art exhibit to tour the United States.
Sri Chinmoy creates this artwork in just 16 minutes – he began painting at 3:45 p.m. and finishes at 4:01 p.m. Upon its completion, he remarks, “The bird that is the flight into the Infinite, into the Beyond.”
Sri Chinmoy paints a 6’ x 8’ canvas dedicated to the United Nations entitled, ‘United Nations: the Heart-Home of the World-Body’, in Jamaica, NY, USA. The painting is later exhibited at the UN and galleries around the world.
Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation at the Symposium on Science and Human Values at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (306) — Peace: Divinity’s Dream on Earth — at the First Church in Cambridge, Cambridge, MA, USA. Listen to the CD...
Sri Chinmoy records a standing vertical high jump of 35 inches in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy writes a tribute to the nine-time Olympic gold medalist Sudhahota Carl Lewis.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 270 lbs. with both arms simultaneously, for a total of 540 lbs., in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 1,200 lbs., using a seated calf raise machine, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy offers the first of his regular morning meditations on TV, Channel 5 in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and delivers a lecture, entitled ‘My Lord Supreme’, at Pace College in White Plains, NY, USA.
Dial-a-Meditation telephone service with a recording of Sri Chinmoy reciting the daily aphorism begins in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert in Halifax, NS, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy meets with two world-class tennis stars, Ramesh Krishnan of India and Nduka Odizor of Nigeria, at his tennis court at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (270) at Buchman Hall in New York, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy offers a concert at Laval University in Quebec City, QC, Canada.
The Sri Chinmoy 70-mile Run is held in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy achieves a lift of 210 lbs. using only his right arm in Jamaica, Queens, NY, USA.
‘Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Day’, is proclaimed by Houston Mayor Kathryn Whitmire at a welcome ceremony for the relay runners held at the Jeppesen Field House at the University of Houston, Houston, USA. Sudhahota Carl Lewis acts as the Master of Ceremonies.
Sri Chinmoy offers a private concert for C. Subramaniam, President of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and Governor of Maharashtra; and S. Ramakrishnan, Executive Secretary, at the Jharna-Kala Gallery in New York, NY, USA.
The State of North Carolina is proclaimed a ‘Sri Chinmoy Peace State’ by Governor James B. Hunt Jr. on the occasion of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, passing through North Carolina on its journey through all 50 US states.
Sri Chinmoy answers a series of written questions submitted by Joop Koopman, Editor-in-Chief and Associate Publisher of the Dutch magazine, Catholic Digest.
Sri Chinmoy composes his 12,000th Bengali song Bangla Gan in Jamaica, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a talk, entitled ‘The Strength of Surrender’ – the fifth in a Spring series of classes on Yoga – at the home of Elma Winter in Brooklyn Heights, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘The Secret Supreme’, at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND, USA.
Sri Chinmoy departs John F Kennedy Airport in New York for a two-week stay with his family in India.
Sri Chinmoy reveals ‘Ten Divine Secrets’ for the benefit of his disciples. They are later published in a book of the same name.
Sri Chinmoy runs the Newsday Long Island Marathon in a time of 4:16:23, on Long Island, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and delivers a lecture at McGill University in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy meets with Chilean tennis star Jaime Filiol and plays two sets with him at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, New York, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Memorial Service for NY Congressman Joseph P. Addabbo, at the Cannon US House of Representatives in Washington, DC, USA.
Sri Chinmoy performs his first double-dumbbell lift – a two-arm lift of 100 lbs. with both arms simultaneously – a total of 200 lbs., in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy performs a double-dumbbell lift – a two-arm lift of 300 lbs. with both arms simultaneously – a total of 600 lbs., in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Slovenia is declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation.
Sri Chinmoy meets with Joop Koopman, Editor-in-Chief and Associate Publisher of the Dutch magazine Catholic Digest, and offers him the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ award.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Chinua Achebe, Nigerian novelist, at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Mysticism’, at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Sri Chinmoy observes the birthday of Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore at the United Nations in New York, at which he recites selections in Bengali from Tagore’s poetry and performs his own Bengali song, entitled ‘Bharater Rabi’ dedicated to the poet.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings opens at the National Art Centre in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and delivers a lecture at the National Art Centre in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy honours United Nations Ambassadors at the Jharna-Kala Gallery in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy meets with Professor P. Jayarama Reddy, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Venkateswara University in Tirupati, South India, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Olympian Sudhahota Carl Lewis in Houston, TX, USA. He represented the USA at four Olympic Games and is a nine-time Olympic gold medallist in the long jump, 100m, 200m and the 4 x 100m relay.
Sudhahota Carl Lewis gives awards in nine different areas to those individuals who had most powerfully influenced his life. He selects Sri Chinmoy to receive the award for being most influential in his spiritual life – Houston, TX, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Meditation and Peace Concert, together with the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme at the Canadian Parliament on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy lifts Yale University professors as part of his ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme, at Yale University in New Haven, CT, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy is interviewed on a Connecticut television programme in Hartford, CT, USA.
Sri Chinmoy is invited to be a Visiting Lecturer by the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, USA. Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘What Is Art?’, to the faculty and student body of the School of Art.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert at St. Joseph’s Church in Seattle, WA, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers an esraj performance and delivers a lecture at the University of Toronto in Toronto, ON, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy is the guest of honour at Rabindranath Tagore’s Birthday Celebrations sponsored by the Tagore Society of New York at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy achieves a lift of 220 lbs. using only his right arm in Jamaica, Queens, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (336) at Preston High School in Bronx, NY, USA.
Queen Elizabeth II holds the Peace Torch during Britain’s V.E. Day 50th Anniversary Celebrations at Hyde Park, London, UK.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Humayun Rasheed Chowdhury, Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh, at the United Nations in New York.
A dedication ceremony for Canada as a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation is held in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
At a special ceremony to honour the President of Macedonia Boris Trajkovski, Sri Chinmoy offers an esraj concert and presents him with the U Thant Peace Award, as well as lifting him as part of the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme. This is the first time a head of state has been honoured at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy receives the Mother Teresa Award from President Trajkovski of Macedonia, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary-General; Chancellor, UN University for Peace, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy receives the Distinguished Service to Athletics Award from the Division of Sports Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and delivers a lecture at King George School in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy meets with Zubin Mehta, conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, at the maestro’s Lincoln Center office in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (307) — Peace: Divinity’s Dream on Earth — at Yale University in New Haven, CT, USA. Listen to the CD...
Sri Chinmoy performs a double-dumbbell lift of 650 lbs. with both arms simultaneously (a total of 1,300 lbs.) four times, in Jamaica, NY, USA. Sri Chinmoy first lifted this weight on February 19, 2000.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a talk, entitled ‘The Right to Happiness: a Human Right?’, in the Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium at the United Nations in New York, NY.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and delivers a lecture at the University of Victoria in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy lifts Simon Draper, producer; and Emma Moore, associate producer of the BBC TV programme ‘Be Me’, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts United Nations Security Guards, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy appears for one hour on WBAB-FM radio in New York, USA.
Sri Chinmoy meditates with mothers and children in honour of Mother’s Day at Progress-Promise in New York, USA.
At the end of the Sri Chinmoy 1,000-Mile Race, at Flushing Meadows Park, in New York, all the runners — as well as race officials, singers and Sri Chinmoy himself — are driven around the course on a float for a victory lap of the one-mile circuit. Sri Chinmoy completes a total of 65 miles during the race, walking to the race from his home and around the course.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (207) at Buchman Hall in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (337), dedicated to the late President Ranasinghe Premadasa of Sri Lanka, at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy lifts mountain climber Kurt Winkler at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts Stoyan Trenchevski, head of the Macedonian Mother Teresa Foundation, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers an afternoon Peace Concert and honours flautist Paul Horn by lifting him. In the evening, Paul Horn offers a solo concert for Sri Chinmoy, his students and invited guests, in Jamaica, Queens, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a talk, entitled ‘Truth’, in the Peace Room of the Church Centre at the United Nations in New York, NY.
Sri Chinmoy runs the Champlain Valley Marathon in a time of 4:41:16 in Plattsburgh, NY, USA.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings opens at Place Bonaventure in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy and President Gorbachev meet for the third time. Their meeting is held at the Waldorf Astoria in New York, NY, USA. President Gorbachev is accompanied by his wife Raisa Maximovna and their daughter Irina Virganskaya.
Raisa Maximovna Gorbacheva and her daughter Irina visit an exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s paintings at the Jharna-Kala Gallery, 52 Vanderbilt Ave. in Manhattan, New York. Sri Chinmoy dedicates the exhibition to the first lady of Russia and offers her one of his works of art for her private collection.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (404) at Le Cirque d’Hiver in Paris, France.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (499) in honour of India’s 50th Anniversary of Independence — the 30th in a series of 50 concerts during 1997 — at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy pays a visit to the apartment at 4826 New Utrecht Avenue, in Brooklyn, New York, USA, where he lived from August 1965 to April 1966. Sri Chinmoy published his first AUM magazine and gave some of his earliest lectures here.
Sri Chinmoy lifts United Nations Ambassadors, at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
“The way you are leading so many people to think and to measure for better times is remarkable.” — Sir Evelyn de Rothschild
Sri Chinmoy lifts philanthropists Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, as part of the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme, in Jamaica, NY, USA. They offer their goodwill to another of Sri Chinmoy’s inspired events, the World Harmony Run, by holding one of the torches that runners carry around the world.
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Sri Chinmoy gives a talk entitled ‘Meditation: Individual and Collective’ – the sixth in a Spring series of classes on Yoga – at the apartment of Sam Spanier and Eric Hughes in Greenwich Village, New York City, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a talk, entitled ‘Peace is our birthright: how can we have it?’, in the Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium at the United Nations in New York, NY.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Sri Chinmoy performs his first double-dumbbell lift – a two-arm lift of 120 lbs. with both arms simultaneously – a total of 240 lbs., in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy holds a public meditation for spiritual seekers in Buchman Hall in Manhattan, NY, USA. He meditates in silence, plays music and answers questions. Three other similar programmes were held at the same venue during April.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (184) together with a piano performance; and delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Happiness: My Dream-Fulfilled Reality’, at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, USA.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to L.M. Singhvi, Indian High Commissioner to the UK, at the Indian High Commissioner’s residence in London, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (405), introduced by Indian High Commissioner L.M. Singhvi, at Wembley Conference Stadium in London, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (463) in honour of the 76th birthday of His Holiness Pope Paul II, in the Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy lifts Jacob Zuma, Executive Deputy President of South Africa, at John F. Kennedy International Airport in Long Island, New York, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at San Diego State University in San Diego, CA, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy offers his thirteenth talk on the Bhagavad Gita, entitled ‘The Field and the Knower of the Field’, at his apartment in Manhattan, New York, USA.
The Sri Chinmoy Centre sponsors an Inter-religious Observance of the National Day of Prayer at Hunter College in New York, USA. Prayers are received from the First Lady, Mrs. Ford, and a number of religious figures. Sri Chinmoy conducts the concluding meditation and his students perform scenes from his play The Sacred Fire.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings opens at Habitat in Vancouver, Bc, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy offers an esraj concert and delivers a lecture, entitled ‘A Seeker’s Resolution, Revolution and Evolution’, at the State University of New York in Buffalo, NY, USA.
A musical piece by classical Swiss composer Heinrich Schweizer, entitled ‘Chinmoy’, premiers at a Lincoln Center concert in New York, USA.
Sri Chinmoy holds a special vigil for Pope John Paul II at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Sri Chinmoy runs 2 miles in a time of 32 min. 30 sec. (16:15/mile pace) at Runners Are Smilers in Flushing Meadows Park, New York, USA.
Sri Chinmoy performs 200 Bengali and 200 English songs, the most he had ever sung in a public recital, at Buchman Hall, NY, USA. Sri Chinmoy had composed all the songs and recorded them earlier in the month. Directly after the concert, lasting seven hours, he releases the previously recorded songs in a 4-part cassette series, which he titled, ‘Four Hundred Blue-Green-White-Red Song-Birds’ parts 1, 2, 3, 4. Listen to the songs...
The finals of the United Nations Tennis Tournament are held at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, New York, USA.
Sri Chinmoy receives the Heart of Portugal Award.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert for the 31st anniversary of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations, at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy answers questions from those who have been following his path for over thirty-three years, at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
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Sri Chinmoy first writes 50 poems in one day, in Jamaica, NY, USA. They are later published in The Dance of Life, part 7.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘A Seeker’, at Fredonia State College in Fredonia, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Oneness-Reality and Perfection-Divinity’, at Buffalo State College in Buffalo, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Progress-delight’, in Lady Mitchell Hall at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, UK.
At the invitation of Dr. Bernard Carr from the Society of the Common Life, Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and delivers a lecture in Lady Mitchell Hall, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers concerts at Aberdeen and Dundee in Scotland, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (231) in the Veterans Memorial Hall of Snug Harbor Cultural Center in Snug Harbor, Staten Island, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (308) — Peace: Divinity’s Dream on Earth — at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, USA. Listen to the CD...
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (338) at Lehman College in the Bronx, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts former Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly: Imre Hollai of Hungary, President of the 37th UNGA; Jorge Illueca of Panama, President of the 38th UNGA; Humayun Rasheed Chowdhury of Bangladesh, President of the 41st UNGA; and Amara Essy of Cote D’Ivoire, President of the 49th UNGA, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
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A chrysanthemum flower is named ‘The Honourable Sri Chinmoy’ by Frank J. Longo, Mayor of Bristol, in Bristol, CT, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and delivers a lecture, entitled ’Success-Height’, in the Oxford Union Debating Hall at Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (309) — Peace: Divinity’s Dream on Earth — at Cathedral Church of the Saviour in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Listen to the CD...
Sri Chinmoy receives the Nehru Medallion from UNESCO.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings opens in Il Saggiattore in Rome, Italy.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (539) at Palazzo Colonna in Rome, Italy.
Sri Chinmoy receives the Pilgrim of Peace Award from Gianfranco Costa, President and Founder of the International Centre for Peace among Peoples of Assisi, at Palazzo Colonna in Rome, Italy.
Sri Lanka is declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation.
Sri Chinmoy receives the Medal of Friendship from President Nambaryn Enkhbayar of Mongolia, at the Government Palace in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
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An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artworks, featuring ‘United Nations: the Heart-Home of the World-Body’, a painting dedicated to the UN opens at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy runs a personal best 5 km time of 22:12, coming second in his age group, at Greenport, NY, USA. He completes his first mile in 6 min. 35 sec.
Sri Chinmoy achieves a lift of 230¼ lbs. using only his right arm in Jamaica, Queens, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy performs his first double-dumbbell lift – a two-arm lift of 130 lbs. with both arms simultaneously – a total of 260 lbs., in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a woodwind concert in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Pope John Paul II on the eve of the Holy Father’s birthday (18 May) at Sala Clementina in The Vatican, Vatican City.
Ecuador and Georgia are declared Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nations.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Jan Eliasson, President of the UN General Assembly, who is also lifted – New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy is honoured at the opening ceremony of his Jharna-Kala exhibition at the Art Gallery of the Union of Mongolian Artists (UMA) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. He is presented with the union’s highest award by Vice Chairman, Mr. P. Tsegmid – the first time the award had been given to a foreigner.
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An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artworks opens at the Sri Chinmoy Gallery in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (104) together with a piano performance at the Novotelhalle in Freiburg, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (272) at Buchman Hall in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (540) in honour of the 78th Birthday of Pope Paul II, at the Church of Santa Maria in Campo Santo in Vatican City.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at Bleecker Street Theatre in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, arranged by Dr. G. Mend-Ooyo, President of the 26th World Congress of Poets and President of the Mongolian Lecture Academy of Culture and Poetry, who also offers Sri Chinmoy the Pegasus Literature Award at the Government Palace in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a talk, entitled ‘God and Truth’, in the Peace Room of the Church Centre at the United Nations in New York, NY.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artworks, featuring ‘United Nations: the Heart-Home of the World-Body’, is opened at the United Nations in Geneva.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (4) at the Sheraton-Washington Hotel in Washington, DC, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (105) together with a piano performance at the Kongresshalle in Augsburg, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (339), the first of 39 Peace Concerts dedicated to Swami Vivekananda’s 39 years on earth, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artworks opens at the Lutece Art Exhibition at the Town Hall in Paris, France.
An article about Sri Chinmoy’s participation in a special ceremony for world peace on 23 March 1996, prior to the Rome Marathon, is published in the Italian-language daily newspaper America Oggi (America Today) in Westwood, NJ, USA.
“Dear Sri Chinmoy,… It has truly been an honour without parallel for Malta to be dedicated as the first Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation of the World, and I hope with all sincerity that more other countries will follow Malta’s remarkable example…” — Hon. Dr. Myriam Spiteri Debono, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta
Malta is the first country in the world to be declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation.
Sri Chinmoy lifts guitarist and singer Richie Havens; and santoor master Shivkumar Sharma at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts a total weight of 1,000 lbs. with two arms from a seated position, at his home in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 17 white horses and 15 Mongolian children at Hotel Mongolia in the Gachuurt Area, Mongolia.
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Sri Chinmoy gives a talk, entitled ‘Has Your Soul a Special Mission?’ – the seventh in a Spring series of classes on Yoga – at the home of Mrs. Ruth Moseley in Manhattan, New York City, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy composes the song, ‘O Kurt Waldheim’ about the fourth Secretary-General of the United Nations (1972-1981).
Sri Chinmoy gives a short talk, entitled ‘On a Birthday’, at the United Nations in New York.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (106) together with a piano performance at Mozarthalle in Mannheim, Rosengarten, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy hoists a 200-pound weight overhead, using only his right arm, to celebrate Congressman Gary Ackerman’s success in reducing his weight from 300 to 200 pounds. The New York Congressman, who had been invited to open the Sri Chinmoy 1,000-Mile Race in Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, New York, is there to personally witness the lift.
An article about Sri Chinmoy presenting the U Thant Peace Award to environmentalist Maurice Strong is published in the New York-based weekly, Asia Online No. 123, Vol. II.
Sri Chinmoy receives an invitation from Lester Kurtz, Professor of Sociology and Asian Studies, to be presented with the ‘Peace Educator’ award at the University of Texas at Austin.
Jamaica is declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation.
Sri Chinmoy answers a question from Steve Finley, Major League baseball player with the Arizona Diamondbacks, at The Smile of the Beyond luncheonette in Jamaica, Queens, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts university professors at Brown University in Providence, RI, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts university professors at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at Ulaanbaatar Palace in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
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Sri Chinmoy answers forty-five questions on ‘America’s Bicentennial’, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Sri Chinmoy is interviewed by talk show host Joel Martin in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (107) together with a piano performance at the Circus Krone in Munich, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (340), the second of 39 Peace Concerts dedicated to Swami Vivekananda’s 39 years on earth, at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation at the New York Games, held at Lawrence A. Wien Stadium at Columbia University in New York, NY, USA.
“… your heart always unites itself with the multiplicity of the world-family. You are inspiring the whole world by virtue of your heart of oneness and sympathy.” — Sri Chinmoy
“I know that you too strive to ease unnecessary suffering and indeed, have helped many, many people…I thank you for your generosity of spirit and send to you my heartfelt best wishes.” — Princess Diana (from a letter dated July 21, 1997)
Sri Chinmoy meets with Princess Diana at Kensington Palace in London, England, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers his 500th Peace Concert in honour of India’s 50th Anniversary of Independence — the 31st in a series of 50 concerts during 1997 — to an audience of 5,400 at the Royal Albert Hall in London. It is introduced by Dr. L.M. Singhvi, India’s High Commissioner to the UK; Countess Mountbatten, daughter of Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last British Viceroy of India, addresses the audience; and messages from outgoing Prime Minister John Major and incoming Prime Minister Tony Blair are read out.
Sri Chinmoy is interviewed on ‘Q&A with Riz Khan’ and broadcast live around the world by CNN International. It is Sri Chinmoy’s first international live TV interview.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture. entitled ‘Art: The Beauty of Earth and the Fragrance of Heaven’, and also receives an honorary degree from the Rector of the Mongolian University of Culture and Arts, at the State Academic Theatre of Drama in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers an invited talk to the School of Self-Defense, 280 Closter Dock Road. Closter, New Jersey. The school, under the direction of Mr. Michael Depasquale, a Police officer, teaches Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, and other forms of self-defence.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s artworks is hosted by the Bankers Trust Company at their offices, corner of Third Avenue and 52nd Street, Manhattan, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (108) and a piano performance at the Tiergarten Halle in Nuremberg, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (185) together with a piano performance and an organ recital; and delivers a lecture, entitled, ‘You Have Awakened Me’, at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA, USA. The recital is later released on a music cassette entitled, Soul-Fragrance-Jubilee.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (310) — Peace: Divinity’s Dream on Earth — at Martin Luther King High School in New York, NY, USA. Listen to the CD...
Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation at the New York Games, held at Lawrence A. Wien Stadium at Columbia University in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation at the New York Games and presented the first-place award to Sudhahota Carl Lewis at Lawrence A. Wien Stadium at Columbia University in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy performs 4,000 consecutive crunch sit-ups without stopping in 47 min. 28.53 sec., — a rate of over 84 stomach crunches per minute — in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (501) in honour of India’s 50th Anniversary of Independence — the 32nd in a series of 50 concerts during 1997 — at Christ Church, University of Oxford, in Oxford, England, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers a private concert, the start of ‘Prayerful Music by Maestro Sri Chinmoy’ series, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts tennis player Billie Jean King at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts a total weight of 1,100 lbs. with two arms from a seated position, at his home in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 20 people including 5 people over 100 years old and Ms. Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, at the Ulaanbaatar Hotel in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to Nambaryn Enkhbayar, President of Mongolia, and also gives him an original Jharna-Kala painting. The President also views the Jharna-Kala exhibit at the Union of Mongolian Artists Gallery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Sri Chinmoy is interviewed by NTV for the first episode of a new programme called ‘No Beginning, No End’ at the Ulaanbaatar Hotel in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
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Sri Chinmoy spends a day out in Flushing Meadows Park, Queens, NY, USA, where runners from America’s ‘Liberty Torch’ and Canada’s ‘Oneness-Heart’ compete in a 13-mile race.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artworks opens in the Town Hall, New York, NY, USA.
A two-month exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artworks, sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Interior in conjunction with the National Parks Service, is attended by the Department of the Interior Under-Secretary James A. Joseph and members of the U.S. Congress, including the Honorable Geraldine Ferraro, at the National Visitors Center in Washington, DC, USA.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala artworks opens at the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, in Washington, DC, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a meditation at the Rayburn Office Building, U.S. House of Representatives, and meets with Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor, in Washington, DC, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 300 lbs. using a seated calf-raise machine, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (314), the third of 39 Peace Concerts dedicated to Swami Vivekananda’s 39 years on earth, in David A. Stein Junior High School, Bronx, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy begins writing daily rhyming poems — meditations for each day of the year — subsequently published in My Silence Heart-Blossoms, part 1, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (406), performing on 50 instruments from various nations around the world, for the United Nation’s 50th Anniversary, at the UN General Assembly Lobby in New York.
Sri Chinmoy lifts Monsignor Thomas Hartman, Rabbi Marc Gellman and Tibetan monks, as part of his ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme, at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 41 white horses at the Tiara Resort in the Terelj National Park, Mongolia.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers an evening talk at 8:30 p.m., entitled ‘The Universality of Religion’ at the Universalist Church of New York City, 67th Street and Central Park West, NY, USA, at the invitation of its director, the Reverend Leonard Helie.
Sri Chinmoy runs a solo marathon in 4 hrs. 30 mins. in Munich, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (109) at Die Flora in Cologne, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy begins lifting people for the first time — the precursor to his ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme — at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation at the New York Games, held at Lawrence A. Wien Stadium in Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy composes and dictates a special poem-song about his life, entitled ‘An Orphan Boy’, in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts the Nepali Ambassador to the United Nations, at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert in honour of the great American composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy opens an exhibition of his Jharna-Kala paintings at the Dyagilev Centre of Arts Exhibition Hall, at St. Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy receives the Commemorative Medal of Babel from the Philological Department of St. Petersburg State University and the Smolny Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, at St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. The Award is presented by the Director of the Smolny Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Assistant Professor V.M. Monakhov, at the opening of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala Art exhibition.
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Sri Chinmoy meets with U Thant, the third Secretary-General of the United Nations, when he was the guest of honour at an evening performance of Sri Chinmoy’s play, Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha, held on an outdoor stage at Old Mill Farm in Harrison, NY. Before the play, Sri Chinmoy gives a welcome speech and garlands U Thant. U Thant is accompanied by his daughter, son-in-law and young grandson.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Truth’, and presents 50 of his books to Yale Divinity School, at Yale University in New Haven, CT, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (110) at Liederhalle Mozart-Saal in Stuttgart, Germany.
Sri Chinmoy composes a song, entitled ‘Lightning-Thunder: Sugar Ray’, for the American boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard — Olympic gold medalist (1976) and winner of world titles in five weight classes.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings, sponsored by the Indian Arts Council of the United Kingdom, opens at the Horizon Gallery in London, UK.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (273) at Seattle Center Memorial Stadium to an audience of 5,000 in Seattle, WA, USA.
New Mexico becomes a Sri Chinmoy Peace State in the USA.
Armenia is declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Philosophy’, at 10 a.m. at the Philosophical Anthropology Faculty of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia. Before the lecture, Sri Chinmoy is presented with the ‘Golden Owl’ Sign of Honour, the highest award of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, “for enormous support in the development of sciences about man,” by Professor V.A. Rabosh, Dean of the Philosophical Anthropology Faculty.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Medicine’, at 3 p.m. at the Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg, in St. Petersburg, Russia. Before the lecture, the University’s Rector, Professor N.A. Yaitskiy presents Sri Chinmoy with a Commemorative Medal on the occasion of his University’s 100th anniversary. Sri Chinmoy dedicates the lecture to Raisa Maximovna.
Sri Chinmoy visits the ‘Future Clinic’, to be named after Raisa Maximovna Gorbacheva, at the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, at Pavlov State Medical University in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at the Music Hall of St. Petersburg, in St. Petersburg, Russia.
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Sri Chinmoy delivers a talk, entitled ‘The Inner Way’, in the Peace Room of the Church Centre at the United Nations in New York, NY.
Sri Chinmoy and the 215-member-strong Sri Chinmoy Centre Cycling Team line up at the start of the 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bicycle Marathon in Central Park, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy meets with Clarence Clemons, saxophonist of the E Street Band, in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy first plays the organ, which he calls The Summit-Song of Self-Transcendence, in Fraumunster Church, Zurich, Switzerland. Watch the video...
Sri Chinmoy meets with Dr. Felix Kuznetsov, Director of the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (342), the fourth of 39 Peace Concerts dedicated to Swami Vivekananda’s 39 years on earth, at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (541), delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Indian Philosophy: A Glimpse’, and receives India’s Peace-Service-Tree Award at Florida International University in Miami, FL, USA. Sri Chinmoy is invited as a Visiting Philosopher by Nathan Katz, Professor and Chair, of the Department of Religious Studies.
Sri Chinmoy achieves a seated two-arm lift of 400 lbs. at his home gym in New York — a new personal record.
Gabon is declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom Nation.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Science’, at 11:00 a.m., at Smolny College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy receives the title ‘Honourable Academician of the International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences’ and The Roerich Medal in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 21 people, academicians, sports figures and others, including the head of the Military Space Engineering Academy, Russian Cosmonaut Leonid D. Kizim, at the Sports and Culture Complex in St. Petersburg, Russia. After the lifting programme, Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert.
“I am deeply honoured to receive this Award from Sri Chinmoy, a very distinguished and loved friend for many, many years. What is happening to me now is that I am receiving the inspiration of Sri Chinmoy, who is actually, I would say, the heart of the United Nations—because in all the years I was Secretary-General, and even before I was Secretary-General, he was always with us.” — Dr. Pérez de Cuéllar, former UN Secretary-General
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to former United Nations Secretary-General Dr. Pérez de Cuéllar in Paris, France. Sri Chinmoy also offers the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ Award to the Secretary-General and his wife, Mme. Marcela Pérez de Cuéllar.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at the Cirque D’Hiver in Paris, France.
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Sri Chinmoy gives a talk entitled ‘How Far Are We From Realisation?’ — the eighth in a Spring series of classes on Yoga – at the home of Mrs. Elma Winter, in Brooklyn Heights, NY, USA. The entire series of eight talks are edited by his very close friend Mr. Eric Hughes.
Sri Chinmoy leads a 215-member cycling team of his students to victory in the 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bicycle Marathon in Central Park over the Memorial Day weekend. It is the third consecutive year (1977-1978-1979) the team takes out the ‘Best Riding Team’ and ‘Best Uniformed Team’ awards. Team members also claim the Women’s second and third-place trophies and the Men’s third-place trophy. Sri Chinmoy completes 160 miles.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (111), playing 103 instruments including a piano performance, at the Kongresshalle in Davos, Switzerland.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings opens at the Niska Gallery in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy offers an organ recital at the Immaculate Conception Church in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (186), including a piano performance, and delivers a lecture, entitled ‘God the Universal Beauty’, at McGill University in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts university professors at Columbia University in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Health’, at 9:00 a.m. at the National Institute of Health in St. Petersburg, Russia. After the lecture, the Scientific Board of the National Health Institute awards Sri Chinmoy with the Degree of Honoured Professor of the National Institute of Health.
Sri Chinmoy meets with President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Gorbachev Foundation in Moscow, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at UNESCO in Paris, France. There, he dedicates his 12,000th Bengali song, Bangala Gan/Bengali Songs, to the soul of UNESCO. The occasion is also marked with a special ceremony for the World Harmony Run. Vladimir Petrovsky, the former Director-General of the United Nations in Geneva, is one of the main speakers.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at the Carrousel Du Louvre in Paris, France.
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Sri Chinmoy attends the first performance of ‘Madal Circus’ at Hillcrest High School gymnasium in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy delivers an afternoon (3 p.m.) lecture, entitled ‘The Mind Power Versus the Heart Power’, and an evening (8 p.m.) lecture, entitled ‘How to Solve World Problems’, at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, USA.
Sri Chinmoy and his 135-member team line up with more than 9,000 other cyclists at the midday start of the 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bike Marathon in Central Park, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy leads a 197-member team of his students to victory in the 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bike Marathon in Central Park over the Memorial Day weekend. The team of 114 men and 83 women wins multiple first-place prizes: best riding team (total of 38,605 miles); best ten-member riding team, best 10-25 member team (24-members, 6,355 miles); first place for women (Pragati Pascale), 305 miles); and best uniform (orange shorts, white shirts and rainbow coloured hats). Ashrita Furman, 405 miles, places third for men. Sri Chinmoy himself rides 230 miles.
Sri Chinmoy presents 47 of his books to Columbia University in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (343), the fifth of 39 Peace Concerts dedicated to Swami Vivekananda’s 39 years on earth, at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in Fishkill, NY, USA.
Brazil is declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom-Nation by the Minister of Tourism and Sports, Rafael Greca de Maceda. Brazil becomes South America’s first Peace-Blossom-Nation.
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings opens at the International University (in Moscow), where Sri Chinmoy delivers an 11:00 a.m. lecture, entitled ‘United Nations’, and receives the Gold Medal of Honour by Dr. S.N. Krasavchenko, Rector of the University, in the University Great Conference Hall in Moscow, Russia. Sri Chinmoy dedicates the lecture to the International University in Moscow and to the Soul of the United Nations at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert, dedicated to Raisa Maximovna Gorbachev, at the State Central Concert Hall ‘Russia’ in Moscow, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy offers two Peace Concerts (afternoon and evening) at the Teatro Della Luna in Milan, Italy.
Sri Chinmoy receives an award for his contribution to sports from the Soul and Fitness Institute in Milan, Italy.
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Sri Chinmoy offers a concert called, ‘Existence-Consciousness-Bliss’, at Hunter College in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy leads the 135-member Sri Chinmoy Centre Cycling Team to victory in the 24-Hour Pepsi Bicycle Marathon (May 28-29) in Central Park, New York, NY, USA. The team, cycling a cumulative 22,530 miles, wins the team prize against a field of 9,000. The team also wins the best cycling uniform category. Sri Chinmoy himself cycles 175 miles in the event.
A ‘Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile’ is inaugurated by the Mayor of Oxford, Bill Fagg, and Sri Chinmoy at Cutteslowe Park, Oxford, England, UK.
A ‘Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile’ is inaugurated by the Mayor of Oxford, Bill Fagg, and Sri Chinmoy at Cutteslowe Park, Oxford, England, UK.
Sri Chinmoy has his first meeting with President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Governor-General’s Residence in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (344) at the Riverdale Dance Theater in the Bronx, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy composes his 7,000th Bengali song Kandte Chahi Tomar Lagi Anukkhan in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy achieves a personal record of 103 ‘crunch abdomen-ups’, by pushing up 203 lbs. in a time of 1 min. 3.95 sec. in Jamaica, NY, USA. (While lying on his back, the 203-pound weight is placed on his abdomen. Each time, he lifts up 1⅓ times his own body weight 2 to 3 inches.) In the same session, he achieves a further two PBs: 35 fingertip pushups; and a headstand balance for 4 min. 21.22 sec.
An article about Sri Chinmoy’s weightlifting achievements, ‘He has the Spirit and Strength to Lift’ is published in New York’s Daily News.
Sri Chinmoy receives an award “for important contributions to the organisation of marathons and races in Russia” from the President of the Russian Association of Marathons and Races, in Moscow, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy opens an exhibition of his Jharna-Kala paintings at the Museum of Russian Contemporary History
Sri Chinmoy lifts 36 people, including cosmonauts Gennady Strekalov, Aleksandr Lazutkin, Viktor Savinykh, Aleksandr Serebrov, Vladimir Solovyov, Valeriy Korzun, Victor Afanasyev and Georgiy Grechko; and test pilot Marina Popovich, at the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports Complex in Moscow, Russia.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at Mazda Palace in Turin, Italy.
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Sri Chinmoy blesses a tree, which had previously been planted in his honour, in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA, USA. He gave it the Sanskrit name Purnaturu, meaning ‘Perfection Tree’.
The Oxford Mail carries a story about the newly inaugurated Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile (29 May 1987) in Cutteslowe Park in Oxford, UK. The article features a photo of Sri Chinmoy starting the two-mile race for schoolchildren that followed the main ceremony.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (113) at Suffolk College in Ipswich, England, UK.
Sri Chinmoy honours Yiannis Korous by lifting him after he finished the Sri Chinmoy 1,000 Mile IAU World Championship Race in a new world record time of 10 days 10:30:35 at Flushing Meadows Park in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy completes 13,000 ‘God's Dream-Souls’ for a total of 20,000 soul-bird drawings since he began 5 months earlier, in Jamaica, NY, USA. Sri Chinmoy also composes a song, entitled ‘Thirteen Thousand’, for the occasion.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (502) in honour of India’s 50th Anniversary of Independence — the 33rd in a series of 50 concerts during 1997 — at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, USA. The concert is introduced by H.E. Ambassador Ananda Guruge, former Ambassador of Sri Lanka to UNESCO, France, Spain, Algeria, Mexico and the United States.
Sri Chinmoy competes in three field events — 600-gm javelin (21.35m, 1-kg discus (19.78 m) and the 4-kg shot put (7.70m) at the Sri Chinmoy Masters Games held at Roy Wilkins Park in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy meets privately with Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (588), his first concert held in National Government offices, attended by Members of Parliament and diplomats at Confederation Hall, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON, Canada. A message from Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien is read out. At the concert, he also recites 20 poems on the theme ‘Here and Now’, later published in a book of the same name.
Sri Chinmoy lifts 37 people, including Svetlana Evgenyevna Feofanova, world champion pole-vaulter, in Moscow Gorky Art Academic Theatre, Moscow, Russia.
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Sri Chinmoy is interviewed live on radio WPFA-FM in San Francisco, CA, USA. Listen to Sri Chinmoy’s interview...
Sri Chinmoy reads a selection of his new poems at the Sri Chinmoy Centre in San Francisco, CA, USA. They are later published in his book, The Dance of Life, part 12.
Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘What is the United Nations really doing for Humanity?’ in Conference Room 14 at the United Nations, in New York.
Sri Chinmoy celebrates the completion of his ‘Thirteen Thousand God’s Dream-Souls’ soul-bird drawings (30 May) with an outdoor exhibition at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA, where the complete collection is on display. At the event, Sri Chinmoy also creates commemorative Soul-Bird drawings and performs 13 new Soul-Bird songs
“I salute the runners of the Peace Run, who are carrying a torch as a testimony to peace through the streets of the world.” — Pope John Paul II
Sri Chinmoy has his fourth audience with Pope John Paul II, just before his weekly mass for 15,000 people in St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City. Sri Chinmoy requests the Pope to bless the ‘Peace Torch’ and explains to the Holy Father that it will be carried by runners and schoolchildren in 70 countries. The Pope gives his special blessing and then, speaking in Italian, addresses the assembled crowd about the ‘Peace Run’.
Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation at the California Senior Masters Games in Sacramento, CA, USA. Sri Chinmoy participates in five events over that weekend — basketball free throw, softball throw, ergometer, 50 meters and 100 meters. Also, during his visit to Sacramento, he is awarded a medal for his service to world peace by the Games organiser, Pam Rhodes.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert (503) in honour of India’s 50th Anniversary of Independence — the 34th in a series of 50 concerts during 1997 — at Public School 86 in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy lifts members of a karate school at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy begins playing the sitar in Jamaica, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy offers a lecture, entitled ‘Freedom’, at the invitation of the university's Centre of Public Information, at the Lomonosov Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia. Following the lecture, Sri Chinmoy is presented with a Letter of Gratitude by the Chairman of the Board of the Centre of Public Information, Professor V.Y. Paschenko.
Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert, with an organ recital, dedicated to Rasia Maximovna Gorbachev, and delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Music’ in the Great Concert Hall of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music in Moscow, Russia. Before the lecture, Sri Chinmoy receives the Academy’s Medal of Honour from Professor D.K. Kimarskaya of the History of Music Department.
Sri Chinmoy attends the opening of an exhibition of his Jharna-Kala paintings, hosted by the Indian Ambassador to Russia, in the Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre at the Indian Embassy in Moscow, Russia.
“I take animals as my younger brothers and sisters… When I lift one, I feel that I am playing with my little brother or sister.” — Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy lifts Thumbelina, the world’s smallest horse, approximately 17 inches high and weighing only 59 pounds, at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA. Read more ...