On June 26th 1985, at the age of 53, Sri Chinmoy raised a 40 lb. dumbbell overhead, and so began an extraordinary weightlifting career. Just 19 months later, on January 30th 1987, Sri Chinmoy’s determined efforts culminated in a lift of 7,063¾ lbs.

For more than two decades Sri Chinmoy continued to inspire the weightlifting community with his relentless training regime and astonishing progress. His historic achievements will forever remain a testament to the unlimited potential that lies within us all.



Sri Chinmoy's Weightlifting Adventure – August 1983 to March 1986

by Unmilan Howard

Who knows when this story began … and who knows when it will end? Like all adventures Sri Chinmoy embarks upon, the open invitation is always there for us to join him on his journey to the limits of human transcendence and beyond. This is a chronicle of a small part of one such continuing adventure – into the realm of Sri Chinmoy’s weightlifting achievements. Read more...



A Man of God-Strength

by Bhavani Torpy

On Wednesday, February 16th this year [2000] at his home in New York, Sri Chinmoy raised and supported two 500-pound dumbbells simultaneously from an overhead rack. It was the triumphant culmination of a series of lifts, which began in 1998 with a lift of 100 pounds, 50 in each arm, on September 29th.… Throughout 1999 the lifts increased in magnitude and several were performed in public and were broadcast on television worldwide. Read more...



A Tale of Two Lions

by Chidananda Burke

For years they had stood at the entrance to the temple, two thousand-pound stone lions, eyes blank, like sentinels of heaven. Passing between them, one could almost feel their power. With their massive physical presence and forceful inner presence, they seemed to straddle two worlds – half-alive and half not-alive. Then one day in 2004 they appeared at a great indoor arena, the auditorium of York College in Queens… Read articles...


Worlds Where Matter and Spirit Meet

by Animesh Harrington

We are apt to believe that any revolution in science must necessarily come from the frontiers of research, that the world of every day experience is solidly confirmed as functioning within well-defined physical parameters. It seems ironic that the scene of this new challenge comes not from the laboratories at MIT, the space observatories of NASA or the linear accelerator at CERN, but the suburbs of New York City where, day after day, many have witnessed an occurrence that may be regarded as violating the laws of natural science. Read articles...


Sri Chinmoy’s Miracle Lift

On January 30, 1987, Sri Chinmoy lifted a weight of 7,063¾ pounds using only his right-arm. It was an achievement that challenged the limits of human possibility and it shook the world of weightlifting.

Sri Chinmoy was not a professional weightlifter, and he was certainly not built for the task. At 5 feet 8 inches high and weighing only 162½ pounds, he was far from the imposing muscle-bound figure one would expect. And given his age of 55 years, he was a most unlikely person to be attempting to lift such massive weights. He was, however, a great spiritual master, a man of adamantine will who had absolute reliance upon God’s Grace. Read articles...

