Sri Chinmoy visits Southeast Asia


Kathmandu(Nepal): Following a two-week visit to Nepal, Sri Chinmoy has travelled to Myanmar as part of a goodwill to Southeast Asia. He lives in Queens and will be back here by the end of this month, says a press release issued by Sri Chinmoy Centre in New York.

While in Nepal, two world-peace-dreamers, King Birendra Bir Bikrarn Shah Dev and peace ambassador Sri Chinmoy had a heart-to-heart talk about peace manifestation on earth at the King’s Palace. The interview lasted 45 minutes.

Sri Chinmoy also held discussions with newly-elccted Prime Minister Mannohan Adhikari at Government palace (Singha Darbar). The Prime Minister told Sri Chinmoy, “You are conveying your message of peace and tranquility throughout the world.” During the interview, the Nepali leader held the Peace Torch, which every other year is passed from hand to hand as part of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, a 70 nation relay run for peace.

In Kathmandu, Sri Chinmoy offered several Peace Concerts of his soul-stirring compositions. Many dignitaries were present, including former Nepalese Prime Minister K.P. Bhauarai, Indian Anmbassador to Nepal, D. Prasad,  the Speakers of the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament, several Parliament Members and the Mayor of Kathmandu.

On December 21, the Kingdom of Nepal dedicated a 6,571 m high Himalayan mountain as a “Sri Chinmoy Peace Mountain” to the cause of world peace and friendship.

This mountain in the Langtang range of the Himalayas in northern Nepal joins more than 800 other significant landmarks that are part of the “Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom” family worldwide. To mark the event, a Nepalese-style pagoda housing a commemorative plaque was constructed on a hill in the Nagarkot with a majestic view of the world’s highest mountains.

“I wish to share with you my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for your lifetime of service for the cause of world peace.” Nepal’s Minister of Education, Culture and Social Welfare, Mod Nath Prashrit, wrote to Sri Chinmoy for the occasion. “I am fully confident that this plaque will offer inspiration to all the travellers who see it.”

As part of the ceremony, Mr. Vinaya Shakya of the Nepal Mountaineering Association presented Sri Chinmoy with his association’s flag and spoke of the importance of the dedication to the people of Nepal. About 150 of the spiritual leader’s students from more than 30 nations were on hand to witness the historic event and several choral groups sang songs composed by their teacher for the occasion.

Other Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossoms include such noted peaks as Mt. McKinley, North America’s tallest mountain; Switzerland’s famous Matterhorn; the capital cities of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other nations; Niagara Falls; the entire Russian-Norwegian border and Viet Nam’s Mekong Della.

Sri Chinmoy is accompanied on his tour by 150 members from Sri Chinmoy Centres worldwide. The Sri Chinmoy Bhajan Singers also perforrned several concerts for the people of Nepal.


A song for Nepal

Sri Chinmoy

Nepal, Nepal, Nepal, Nepal.
Within, without a self-offering heart.
Gurkha, to your indomitable strength.
Physical and spirituality I bow.
Nepal, in you shines a oneness-heart
Of a Hindu and a Buddhist.
Indeed, this is a gift supreme
Of your consciousness-light
For the world at large.


Sri Chinmoy with King Birendra Bir Bikram in Kathmandu

Published in Eastern Time newspaper, January 15, 1995, New York, NY, USA