

On the evening of 20 September 1966, the AUM CENTRE, INC., under the direction of its President, Sudha, inaugurates its new quarters at Calle Mayo, numero 264, Santurce, Puerto Rico.

Sri Chinmoy sends the following taped-recorded message to the President, who plays it for the assembled members during the inspired inaugural ceremony which she planned and conducted.


Dear President, Vice-President, Counsellor, Legal Adviser, Secretary, Treasurer, Head of Public Relations, Head of Intellectual and Cultural Activities, Head of Selfless Service, and Members of the Aum Centre:

On this divinely significant day, let us offer our deepest gratitude to the Supreme. No human being is inaugurating the Centre. The Supreme is inaugurating the birth of His own child.

If you think of the Divine child, the Supreme will think of you. If you feed the child with your heart's aspiration, the Supreme will feed your body, mind, heart and soul through Eternity. If you become one with the child, you will see and feel that the Supreme has already become one with you.

Published in AUM – Vol. 2, No. 2, September 27, 1966


The Past, the Present and the Future

A talk by Sri Chinmoy
given in Room 550 at the United Nations in New York


The past is important. The future is more important. The present is most important. The present is infinitely more important than the past and the future put together.

The past is a promise, an unfulfilled promise. The future is a hope, an uncertain hope. The present is necessity’s reality and reality’s necessity. The present is the eternal Now. The “eternal” is God the Name. The “Now” is God the Form. When God the Form enters into God the Name, God the Form becomes the transcendental Vision. When God the Name enters into God the Form, God the Name becomes the universal Reality.

Transcendence and universality, Vision and Reality, are inseparable and invaluable. When we want to become members of the world of Vision-Dream, transcendence is invaluable. When we want to become members of the world of Reality-manifestation, immanence is invaluable. Transcendence is the seed. Immanence is the fruit. A seed is no seed if it does not reveal the fruit. A fruit is no fruit if it does not embody the seed. So the seed and the fruit are at once inseparable and invaluable. In Heaven we are all seeds of God’s Dream. On earth we are all fruits of God’s Reality.

Published in Union-Vision


Photo by Lotika


Sri Chinmoy meets with Mikhail Gorbachev before the inauguration of the Raisa Maximovna Gorbacheva Institute of Paediatric Haematology in St. Petersburg in Russia. The former Soviet President had personally invited Sri Chinmoy to the event, calling him both a personal friend and a long-time friend of the Gorbachev Foundation.



When I take shelter
   In my Master’s eye
   I see star-twinkling sky.
When I take shelter
   In my Master’s heart,
   I devour death-dart.
When I take shelter
   At my Master’s feet
   Ignorance-dream I quit.

– Sri Chinmoy

Publoshed in From the Source to the Source