Photo by Bhashwar Hart


Sri Chinmoy and his 135-member team line up with more than 9,000 other cyclists at the midday start of the 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bike Marathon in Central Park, New York, NY, USA.


Photo by Bhashwar Hart


Sri Chinmoy leads a 197-member team of his students to victory in the 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bike Marathon in Central Park over the Memorial Day weekend. The team of 114 men and 83 women wins multiple first-place prizes: best riding team (total of 38,605 miles); best ten-member riding team, best 10-25 member team (24-members, 6,355 miles); first place for women (Pragati Pascale), 305 miles); and best uniform (orange shorts, white shirts and rainbow coloured hats). Ashrita Furman, 405 miles, places third for men. Sri Chinmoy himself rides 230 miles.