Sri Chinmoy receives India’s Peace-Service-Tree Award at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. Sri Chinmoy was invited as a visiting philosopher by Nathan Katz, Professor and Chair, Department of Religious Studies.


Letter of Invitation

21 April 1998

Dear Sri Chinmoy:

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to speak at Florida International University in the Wertheim Performing Arts Center, on May 26, 1998 as a visiting philosopher.

I have had the privilege of meeting you before, and I am sure your audience at FIU will be delighted to hear your words, your music, and your presence. The Department of Religious Studies is working with the local Sri Chinmoy Centre on all arrangements, and we look forward to seeing you in Miami next month, and to presenting you with a plaque honoring you as "India's Peace-Service-Tree" to mark this auspicious occasion.

Yours sincerely,

Nathan Katz

Professor and Chair
Department of Religious Studies
Florida International University, Miami

Published in Blessingful Invitations from the University-World


U Thant Peace Award


Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to former United Nations Secretary-General Dr. Pérez de Cuéllar in Paris, France. Sri Chinmoy also offers the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ Award to the Secretary-General and his wife, Mme. Marcela Pérez de Cuéllar.

“I am receiving the inspiration of Sri Chinmoy, who is actually, I would say, the heart of the United Nations.” — Javier Peréz de Cuéllar