Sri Chinmoy achieves a lift of 303¼ lbs., using his right arm only, in Jamaica, NY, USA. After his first attempt on 23 May 1986, Sri Chinmoy finally achieves the lift on his 214th attempt. Read more...



“I first tried lifting 300 pounds on May 23rd and I eventually succeeded on August 11th, after 80 days. It was my 214th attempt. Then I tried 313 pounds. I began on August 12th and I did it on August l9th — eight days later. Then I jumped to 320 pounds, which was double my body weight. I started the morning of August 21st, Agraha's birthday, and I did it the afternoon of that same day. At his request I did it. Now I need a few more disciples' birthdays to inspire me. It took a long time to go to 330 pounds — two weeks! But to reach 340 pounds it took only 12 attempts and for 350 " pounds, just eight attempts. So my speed is increasing. I think I am still getting the benefit from attempting 300 pounds for two and a half ” — Sri Chinmoy

Published in My Weightlifting Tears and Smiles, part 1