Sri Chinmoy lifts Colin ‘Pine Tree’ Meads, NZRFU’s ‘Player of the Century’ and widely regarded as the greatest rugby union player ever, at the Great Lakes Centre in Taupo, New Zealand. His wife, Verna Meads, is also lifted.


After the lift, Colin Meads remarks:

“Thank you for the honour, and to Sri Chinmoy, I just want to say what an honour it is for the wife and me to be here. Having read of your worldwide work for peace throughout the world, it gives me great honour to think that I was chosen as a sportsman in New Zealand, and that I can have this great honour of being here today and being uplifted.

“To you all, I just want to say what marvellous work this man does. And what sport can do for people throughout the world is marvellous also. While he is spreading the message throughout the world, we here in New Zealand, in our own little world, must take on board his efforts and his achievements that he’s done over the many, many, many years. And if sport can play some little part in helping him achieve that, then I’m pleased to be part of the sport.

“To you all, just thanks for the occasion, and to Sri Chinmoy, for the invitation to be here and the honour that has been bestowed upon me, when you think of the great Nelson Mandela and the work that he’s done. I had the privilege of meeting him some ten or eleven years ago and that was one great occasion for me.

“I also heard that you’d lifted Precious McKenzie and other great people like him. I also think Precious McKenzie should be sitting where you are and lift you up, because if anyone deserves to be lifted, this great man does! The effort that he’s made throughout the world is tremendous.

“To you all once again, thank you very much.”