Each Song Is a Flame

Music and lyrics by Sri Chinmoy



Each soulful song is a flame
In the aspiring heart.
Where is that heart?
It is in the supreme art
   Of constant self-giving.

Published in the songbook, Transcendence-Perfection


Sri Chinmoy spontaneously sets music to 99 English poems from Transcendence-Perfection in Jamaica, NY, USA.


Photo by Pulak Viscardi


Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at the University of Malta in Msida, Malta, where he receives the Gold Medallion for International Service to Peace, from Constantin Spiteri, Head of Culture, Ministry of Education.


Sri Chinmoy's dedication:

President Gorbachev, President of the Soviet Union, you are the Twentieth century's supreme Peace-Dreamer, supreme Peace-Lover, supreme Peace-Sower, supreme Peace-Grower and supreme Peace-Giver. Today's Peace Concert I am offering to your soul, devotedly and soulfully.

Published in Sixty-one Gratitude-Blossoms from the World-Heart-Home-Garden



Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert and Jharna-Kala exhibit at the Hotel Barceló Del Lago in Panajachel, Guatemala.


Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at Xiamen Middle School Number 5 in Xiamen, China, where he meets with Mr. Xu, Minister of Education for Xiamen. 1,000 school children sing Sri Chinmoy’s composition ‘I Am A Great Chinese Boy, I Am A Good Chinese Girl’.


Thirty–Two Years I Lived in India


Thirty-two years I lived in India.
Forty-two years I lived in America.

Published in Enthusiasm, Part 13