O My Puerto Rico


O My Puerto Rico!
Your soul is beauty’s flow,
Your heart is duty’s glow.
O my Puerto Rico!
Your simple life of Truth
Is God’s Perfection-Ruth.
To you I bow, to you I bow,
In our Lord’s Eternity-Now.
To you I bow, to you I bow,
O my Puerto Rico!

Sri Chinmoy dedicates the song to Rafael Hernandez Colon — Governor of Puerto Rico on 21 February 1975

Published in My Aspiration-Heart’s Country-Life-Salutations



Sri Chinmoy celebrates his eighteenth Esraj Anniversary and his fifth Piano Anniversary at the Wednesday evening meditation at Public School 86 in Jamaica, New York. His performance on the Bösendorfer piano lasts 23 minutes and 13 seconds.


A God-Lover’s Aspiration-Harvest



Peace is a God-lover’s Aspiration-harvest.

Published in O My Peace-Nest-Heart



Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert and celebrates his 23rd Esraj Anniversary at Public School 86 in Jamaica, New York.



Sri Chinmoy celebrates his 13th Piano Anniversary by giving an 18-minute perfornance at Public School 177 in Jamaica, Queens, New York. The recording is later released as a CD, entitled ‘Omnipotence-Poise’.