During a visit to Antigua, Sri Chinmoy and some of his students meet with Premier V.C. Bird. Sri Chinmoy and the Premier discuss, among other things, what role the island nation would play in the United Nations when it became independent and joined the world organisation. [Both of these events finally occurred in November 1981.]

Afterwards, Sri Chinmoy’s students sing his newly composed song, ‘Antigua’, which is dedicated to Premier Bird.

The Premier tells Sri Chinmoy, “Your presence at the United Nations in the Meditation Group must help because, after all, it is the inner values — the way we think and the faith that we express — that will be able to dilute the wrongs and make a better world for us all.”

Published in the introduction to Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 22



Sri Chinmoy is invited by President Ranasinghe Premadasa to share the podium with him and to offer a prayer during his nationally televised speech at the Festival of Lights in Kandy, Sri Lanka, where the President is celebrating the first anniversary of his presidency.

For the occasion, the President invites Sri Chinmoy to stand by his side as he lights the first of 84,000 devotional candles and, later, as he delivers a most illumining address to the nation.

Before ascending to the podium to give his speech, President Premadasa was introduced to Sri Chinmoy. The President said, “Peace, peace, peace. I am very happy to meet you. Welcome to Sri Lanka. Are you enjoying your stay here?” He also mentioned that he had seen Sri Chinmoy’s interview on television, saying: “You are a true man of wisdom.”

After the President had lit two or three candles, he hands a candle to Sri Chinmoy and says, “A true man of peace.”

The President asks Sri Chinmoy the meaning of his name. Sri Chinmoy told him that it means "full of Divine Consciousness." Then, addressing the crowd, the President says, “And now you will be able to hear a few words from our friend, Sri Chinmoy, whose name means "full of Divine Consciousness." Please give us some of that.”

Published in President Premadasa: Nectar-Bliss-Heart, Lion-Roar-Soul

Sri Chinmoy’s book is published in 1990 in honour of the President’s 66th birthday. Tragically, the President is assassinated just three years later.



Victoria Falls is dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Falls in Zimbabwe. Later the same day, Harare International Airport is proclaimed a Sri Chinmoy Peace Airport.