Letter from Aye Aye Myint-U

to Sri Chinmoy


Dear Sri Chinmoy,

On behalf of my mother, Mrs Thant and my family may I take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to you for your kind sentiments and love for my father. Father had always cherished the time he spent with you for he found in you love and tranquillity. He shared with you the importance of morality and spirituality in this complex and troubled world, and he was always inspired by your humility and dedication for the enlightenment of innerself.

We are deeply proud to share father’s life, and are most fortunate to have received his unselfish love and care.

We pray and hope that your continued effort may bring forth the dreams of my father, peace, happiness and prosperity for all mankind.

With our esteem admiration and respect,

— Aye Aye Myint-U

Published in U Thant: Divinity’s Smile, Humanity’s Cry


Letter to Aye Aye Myint-U

from Sri Chinmoy
16 January 1977


Dear Aye Aye,

Your beloved Father and my beloved spiritual Brother, U Thant, will always triumphantly stand in the vanguard of humanity’s soulful success and fruitful progress.

I liked him. I admired him. I adored him. I loved him. I liked him because in him I saw a sea of simplicity, humility and purity. I admired him because I saw a wisdom-sun upon him constantly radiating its unhorizoned effulgence. I adored him because his heart’s Illumination lovingly covered the length and breadth of the entire world. I loved him because his life of self-giving to humanity’s cry and Divinity’s Smile made him the supremely perfect instrument of the Lord Buddha.

Your unparalleled oneness-heart with your Father’s vastness-heart and your Father’s soul-concern for you have touched the very depth of my heart. The human in us misses him badly. The divine in us tells us that he is with the Lord Buddha here on earth, there in Heaven, inside all human beings and all divine souls.

He is at once with the Creator’s ever-transcending Vision and ever-manifesting Reality.

As the Creator and the creation are inseparable, even so his unconditionally surrendered will to the Will of the Lord Buddha are eternally inseparable. Infinity’s greatness he has. Immortality’s goodness he is.

I wish to offer my most respectful salutation to your mother, my loving regards to your kind and good husband, Dr Myint-U, and my soulful love to your divinely sweet children.

I pray to the Lord Buddha to bless you and your whole family with His infinite Compassion-Light and His eternal Satisfaction-Delight.

Affectionately yours,

— Sri Chinmoy

Published in U Thant: Divinity’s Smile, Humanity’s Cry


Photo by Prashphutita Greco


Mount Apo in Davao, the Philippines, is dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom. During the dedication ceremony, Sri Chinmoy is presented with the Key to the City of Davao by Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.