APIA, Western Samoa — The Faleolo International Airport was dedicated to the cause of world peace Jan. 22 in honour of visiting good will ambassador Sri Chinmoy.
“The Ambassador of Peace brings to Samoa a project and a peace message which is already enshrined in our culture,” said Airport Manager Etuale Sefo, representing the Western Samoa Airport Authority. “The most fitting reminder of this message is our dedication today as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Airport.”
Sri Chinmoy, who was passing through Apia enroute to New York, said: “We are not strangers. You have accepted us as your true brothers and sisters. That is why you are so affectionate, compassionate and loving to us in every way.
“We now find ourselves in a boat, which is known as the Peace-Boat, and we see around us thousands and thousands of peace-dreamers and peace-lovers. We are sailing together toward the destined Goal that is inundated with peace.”
Western Samoa’s airport joins nearly a thousand other sites around the world that have been dedicated to peace in Sri Chinmoy’s name.
Published in Anahata Nada, VOLUME 23, MID-DECEMBER 1993-MARCH 1994