Filmed and edited by Kedar Misani


Sri Chinmoy opens the week-long Fourth Parliament of the World’s Religions at the Universal Forum for Cultures in Barcelona, Spain, with a silent meditation and a performance of his music on the esraj.

The Parliament is the world’s greatest gathering of religious and spiritual leaders. The Council for the Parliament officially asked Sri Chinmoy to lead the opening of this momentous event in silence as a “perfect entry for participants into the Parliament experience,” adding, “We can think of no one better to do it than you.” This was the fourth such Parliament ever held, and Sri Chinmoy’s second time to offer the silent opening. Sri Chinmoy also offered the opening meditation at the 100th anniversary of the original Parliament, held in Chicago in 1993.



Sri Chinmoy meets with Shirin Ebadi, the Iranian human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, in Barcelona, Spain.


Comments by Shirin Ebadi:

Sri Chinmoy has made world peace a globalised concern.

In the time we are living, where importance is not given to what comes from the soul. What really matters for our world and for peace in the world is all the work Sri Chinmoy is doing to make our souls grow. His work for peace and spirituality is very, very much appreciated. 

Behind what we see with our eyes, there are profound truths that we should seek. We should give importance to these truths. It is for this reason that Sri Chinmoy is holding peace meditations to help people seek the truths within us.

When I met with Sri Chinmoy earlier today, I could feel that he is a very good and great person. It was one of the most beautiful memories of my life. I will carry it in my heart forever. I will take this meeting with Sri Chinmoy back to my country.

Today I have seen and felt how powerfully Sri Chinmoy is able to transmit his important message of peace through silence and through music. Many, many people are following Sri Chinmoy’s teachings. It is obvious that he is doing something very constructive.

I wish to be a part of Sri Chinmoy’s international family. I hope the next time I see him, I will be able to participate in one of his peace meditations at the United Nations.

I also look forward very much to working with Sri Chinmoy’s organisation to receive badly needed humanitarian items to help educate and protect our Iranian children against landmines.