Mother Teresa Honoured by Sri Chinmoy in New York

NEW YORK — Recently, Sri Chinmoy met with Mother Teresa at her Missionaries of Charity House in the Bronx, New York City, and presented her with a unique tribute entitled, “Mother Teresa: Humanity’s Flower-Heart, Divinity’s Fragrance-Soul.”

The 86 year-old living saint was smiling broadly and was clearly thrilled as she received the award — a large glass sculpture carved with Sri Chinmoy’s peace-birds, offered on behalf of the Indian-born peace leader and the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, which he leads.

The meeting was one of Mother Teresa’s only meetings thus far since she arrived in New York just over a week ago for profession of vows by her sister. Spiritually indomitable but in delicate physical health, Mother Teresa shared with Sri Chinmoy her current world wide service to the poor and her future plans.

Sri Chinmoy told her “You are the choicest instrument of our Lord and He wants you to be here on earth for many, many more years. So you have to bless us. You have to take care of your children, that is to say, humanity.” Full of affection and joy, Mother Teresa replied,  “Thank you so much and God bless you. Please continue to pray for me specially and for our whole congregation. You are in our prayers.” The 65 year-old peace leader replied, “Mother, every day I pray for your health and for the success of your Mission.”

Also present at the meeting was Sister Nirmala who was  elected in March as Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity. She is accompanying Mother Teresa during her visits to Rome, New York and Washington. “We are now in 120 countries — can you imagine,” exclaimed the Nobel Peace Laureate. “We have 384 houses in India and all over the world.”

Sri Chinmoy and Mother Teresa have met on several occasions before, both in New York and Rome. They regularly correspond and speak by telephone. During the meeting Mother Teresa poignantly shared: “Fifty thousand people have died and gone to Heaven! They were all picked up from the streets  and we took care of them and loved them, and they went straight up to Heaven to God.” Sri chinmoy lovingly replied, “Yes, but you were the one to take them to God. Their souls are all gratitude to you, Mother, because you have taken them directly to the Lord with your prayers and with your blessings.”




Parliament of World’s Religions

BARCELONA, JULY 10. International spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy opened a week-long Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona with silent meditation and a performance of his peace-filled music before participants from all faiths. The meet brought together the world’s religious and spiritual leaders and included an address by Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner.

This was the fourth such Parliament. The first took place in the presence of Swami Vivekananda in Chicago in 1893.

Published in The Hindu, page 60