The March Past


Sri Chinmoy presents a bouquet to overall women's winner Sulochana Kallai
Photo by Bhashwar Hart


The first Sri Chinmoy Masters Games is held from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Greenwich High School in Greenwich, Connecticut.

The Games include both track and field —  track events for men from 100 metres to 5,000 metres and for women from 100 metres to 3,000 metres, and field events for both men and women include long jump, high jump, javelin, discus, shot put, and tennis ball throw.

Opening remarks by Sri Chinmoy:

“Sri Chinmoy Masters Games is the smile of a Oneness-Family in a Oneness-Home. Masters-Games is at once the aspiration and dedication of the body, and the vision and illumination of the soul. Here each participant is competing against his or her own present capacities. The goal of these games is self-transcendence. Humanity’s self-transcendence gift is the only perfection-beauty that God the Absolute Athlete Supreme truly and fondly treasures.

“And now, for tremendous outer success and momentous inner progress, may each participant receive the highest benediction from Heaven and the strongest aspiration from earth. Sri Chinmoy Masters Games begins to proceed on, forever on!”