Photo by Maral Siegel


Sri Chinmoy meditates at the inauguration of the US State of Massachusetts joining the worldwide Peace-Blossoms family as a Sri Chinmoy Peace-State, at a special ceremony held at Boston State House in Boston, MA, USA. Governor William F. Weld delivers the proclamation.

As well, letters of congratulations from Mikhail Gorbachev, Mother Teresa, Linus Pauling, several US Governors and Congressmen are read out.

Other Sri Chinmoy Peace States include Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Jersey, Rhode Island, South Dakota and West Virginia.

Sri Chinmoy, speaking at the inauguration:

“We are all children of peace,” declares Sri Chinmoy. “There is no human being who does not have peace in ample measure in the inmost recesses of his heart. This peace he is going to bring to the fore at God’s choice Hour ... (which is) a fast-approaching, God-ordained reality.”