World Mirror

Advanced in years, but still not old and weak: High-Performance Athletes and Beauty Kings


Youth has passed for these gentlemen, but they are still not ready for the scrap-heap for a long time. Sri Chinmoy (pictured on the left), an Indian living in the U.S., set a new dumbbell record for his age category. On the weekend in New York, the 69-year-old lifted two dumbbells with a total weight of 300 pounds simultaneously. Also on the weekend the 92-year-old Simon Kokoraschwili, Georgi Teimurazow (94) and ShalaTsarvadse (87) (pictured on the right, from left) could not be enthused by this kind of top performance. These gentlemen were 3 of a total of 14 seniors, who took up a beauty competition in the youth centre of the Georgian capital Tbilisi.

Published on page 8 of the daily Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (New Osnabrück Newspaper), Monday, 19th June 2000, circulation: 334,000