Sri Chinmoy lifts Grammy-Award-winning singer/songwriter Sting and his wife Trudie at the Fourth Universalist Church in New York.

“From the depth of our hearts, we thank you for lifting us high so that our hearts opened up to receive the universal love which pours out from you.” — Sting


President Jefferson’s Light

by Sri Chinmoy
at Public School 117 in Jamaica, New York


Right from the beginning, if people had had the inner courage to accept President Jefferson’s light, today’s world would not have been so unspiritual and undivine. But the light will continue to shine here, there and elsewhere, whether it is being accepted or not. The very nature of light is to shine and to illumine darkness. Whether we want it or not, light will continue to illumine us, and the day shall dawn when we all will be illumined.

Let us enter into President Jefferson’s light: universal light, all-embracing light, all-illumining light.

Published in Not Every Day, but Every Moment: Illumining Questions and Answers, Comments and Talks