Published in the daily Brazilian newspaper ‘Correio Braziliense’, page 25, 27 January 2000



Brazilian Mail 

Brasilia, Federal District
Thursday, January 27, 2000

Peace Run ends at the TGW Temple

The Temple of Good Will, TGW — the most visited monument in the federal capital, located at Block 915 Sul — was chosen as the end point of the Peace Run that honoured the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil, promoted by the Sri Chinmoy Centre, an organisation linked to the United Nations.

In Brazil, the run visited several cities in the country such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Curitiba and Foz do Iguaçu, covering 497 km.

In Brasilia, the remaining three kilometres were completed, on the morning of the 25th. The flame of the Torch of Peace, carried during the 500 km run, was passed on to the Sacred Pyre of the Ecumenical Fraternity, located at the entrance to the TGW Temple, in a special ceremony that was attended by various authorities and the people.

For the organiser of the event, Sanjay Rawal, “the TGW is the symbol of Peace, not just the unity and love for humanity.” Rawal said he chose the TGW to crown the race when he was there recently: “We went into the Temple and at the time we agreed that there was no better place.”


Olympic champion Joaquim Cruz arrives at the Temple of Good Will, carrying the Torch of Peace, accompanied by hundreds of people, including children and adults.