A talk by Sri Chinmoy
at his Peace Concert at Buchman Hall in New York
Oneness-nest is the monumental magnitude of human life. Oneness-nest is the pathway to Infinity's perfection-delight. Nothing on earth will ever be immortal save Divinity's fulness-light in humanity's oneness-nest.
Our aspiring heart easily, quickly and unmistakably finds oneness-nest. Our unaspiring mind right now does not feel the supreme necessity for oneness-nest. But there shall come a time when our unaspiring and doubting mind will be transformed into an aspiring mind and aspire just like the heart. At that time our mind also will definitely find oneness-nest.
When our mind can soar above desire-clouds, we will have peace, and inside this peace what will loom large is oneness-nest.
When we can leave fear outside our heart's door and doubt outside our mind's door, we will have peace of mind, and inside this peace of mind we shall find oneness-nest.
Just like the seekers of the hoary past, the present-day seekers are all longing for oneness-nest. Inside each and every seeker is a soul-bird, and this soul-bird inside us has been singing throughout Eternity for the establishment of oneness-nest, which is God's supreme Victory here on earth.
In the near or distant future, our soul-birds definitely will manifest this victory here on earth. But first, we must give to God what we have: our sleeplessly unconditional surrender. Then, in return, God will blessingfully give us what He eternally is: His Fondness-Oneness-Nest.
Published in My Heart's Peace-Offering
Peace Concert Poems
recites by Sri Chinmoy
at Buchman Hall in New York
My life desperately needs peace.
Therefore, on the strength
Of my heart's aspiration-cries,
I must immediately silence
My mind's ego-thunder.
Farewell, farewell,
My old expectation-friends.
I must have an absolutely new friend,
If I sincerely need peace
In the very depths of my heart.
Reluctance, leave me alone,
Leave me alone!
Willingness, I am of you
And I am for you.
Let us pray together
To our Inner Pilot,
Let us together meditate
On our Inner Pilot
For peace,
Abundant peace, infinite peace.
He will grant us,
Out of His infinite Bounty,
At His choice Hour,
Peace, peace, peace
In infinite measure.
Published in A Heart of Oneness-Peace
Poems from Many, Many Years Ago
Reminiscences by Sri Chinmoy
during a function at Public School 86 in Jamaica, New York
I wish to read out a poem of mine which I wrote many, many years ago. Perhaps many of you, if not most, were not born.
Long, long before I was born, Sri Aurobindo wrote a story called Kshamar Adarsha, “The Ideal of Forgiveness.” I rendered that story into Bengali verse. It was about two hundred lines. Then it was sent to Sri Aurobindo. It was first printed in 1955, but when I rendered it into Bengali poetry, it was 1946, so I was at that time fourteen or fifteen years old.
My Bengali teacher, Prabhakar Mukherji, wrote the introduction to my first book in English. It was called Flame-Waves. *
[After reading the introduction and the poem]
In those days my English was totally different!
Now I shall read out a few poems.
This is my very first attempt, my very first poem in English.
[Reads “The Golden Flute”]
This was my third poem in English. It is my personal experience.
[Reads “The Absolute”]
This is my fourth, fifth or sixth poem.
[Reads “Revelation”]
This is also among my first ten poems.
[Reads “Apocalypse”]
[Reads “Struggle’s Gloom”]
This is the last one I am reading today.
[Reads “Immortality”]
These poems I wrote in India, when I started writing poems in English.
* Flame-Waves was printed by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press in 1955.
Published in Only One Power
To the End I Will Love the United Nations
A talk by Sri Chinmoy
at his home Jamaica, Queens, New York
Whoever leads the United Nations should use only the heart, only the heart. If he uses the heart, the rest of the world will connive at, or ignore, the shortcomings of the United Nations. The world will feel that the UN has a heart, a sincere heart. That sincere heart will be able to gain the confidence of the world. Now, because of unfortunate things that are taking place in various countries, the world does not have the same feeling, the same sympathetic heart.
Two things the UN can do. It can bravely speak out and say what it feels is the right thing to say, and at the same time it can beg the world to come to its rescue. It can also unreservedly take advice from the nations that are most sincerely ready and eager to help the United Nations come out of a very serious crisis.
I only love the United Nations. To the end I will love and love the United Nations. One good word if I hear about the United Nations, I literally dance in the sky.
Published in His Compassion is Everything to Us