Sri Chinmoy offers a concert to an audience of 2,400, at the Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, California. Listen to the entire concert...



Listen to Sri Chinmoy singing Sukhero Lagiya at the concert


Peace Concert

given by Sri Chinmoy
at Public School 86 in Queens, New York
the 8th of 39 concerts held in honour of Swami Vivekananda


Today’s Peace Concert I am lovingly, affectionately and devotedly offering to the patriot-freedom-fighter and justice-lover in Swami Vivekananda.

Published in Vivekananda: Divinity’s Soul-Rainbow and Humanity’s Heart-Blossom


Photo by Maral Siegel


Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California.