At his annual New Year’s concert on Dec. 9 at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall, Sri Chinmoy offered this message for 1993:

God is dreaming,
Newness singing,
Oneness blossoming,
Fulness dancing.

Hope no more gropes.
Life without slopes.
Splendid depths and heights
Transform bondage-nights.

Later in the month, he elaborated on the message, saying “God has taken many, many years to create...this particular year.”

For centuries, he said, the mind-power has dominated, “but now the mind-power is surrendering to the heart-power” and “brightness and luminosity have already started blossoming.”

From now on, he continued, “we will only see the song and dance of the divine forces. The undivine forces are exhausted. They have already started surrendering to the divine forces and they are ready to abide by the will of the divine forces.” 

Published in Anahata Nada, VOLUME 22, DECEMBER 1992 – MARCH 1993