Edited: 13 December 2023

Confirmed event are in black.
References from various sources are in grey.




During December 1974 – A celebration is held to mark the publication of 200 of Sri Chinmoy’s books. He is presented with an 11-foot long garland consisting of 200 flowers. The books, called Vidya Bhavan (Abode of Knowledge), are on permanent display at Annam Brahma restaurant.

 Chronology notes




9 March 1975 – Sri Chinmoy hosts a luncheon for fourteen girls and their mothers at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York. Upon arrival, each mother is welcomed and given a corsage. The programme begins wth a few short films of Centre activities, followed by a talk by Sri Chinmoy. “I am your Indian son and you are my American mothers,” he tells the group. He then answers questions. He then inscribed a copy of the Sri Chinmoy Primer for each mother, and also presented them with a small box of eight additional gifts. Serving as waiters for the evening, were two famous musicians, Mahavishnu John McLaughlin and Devadip Carlos Santana. The transcription of this warm encounter is published in the book Fourteen American Mothers and Fourteen American Daughters with Sri Chinmoy.

• Chronology notes


MARCH 9 1975 (Sun.) - Guru, dressed in white slacks and sweater, held a luncheon for fifteen girls ?  and their mothers at Annam Brahma. Almost all the mothers were charmed to radiant smiles by Guru's gifts, corsages and humble, poised, loving words. Impeccable waiters, Mahavishnu and Devadip, served a delightful Annam Brahma meal proving that vegetarian cuisine pleases the palate and in no way leaves the diner unsatisfied.

• Chinmoy Family
Vol. V, No. 2 February-March 1975


On Sunday, March 9, 1975, Sri Chinmoy held a special Mother's Day luncheon for the mothers of women disciples in the New York area. The luncheon was held at Annam Brahma, the disciple-owned restaurant in Jamaica, Queens. Each mother was given a corsage upon her arrival at the restaurant, and a few short filmstrips of Centre activities were shown. Then Sri Chinmoy gave a talk to the assembled mothers and encouraged them to ask him questions. He inscribed a copy of the Sri Chinmoy Primer for each mother, and also presented each with a small box containing eight additional gifts.

• Sri Chinmoy Library online


On Sunday, 9 March, Sri Chinmoy held a special Mothers' Day luncheon for the mothers of girl disciples in the New York area. The luncheon was held at Annam Brahma, the disciple-owned restaurant in Jamaica. Each mother was given a corsage upon her arrival at the restaurant, and a few short filmstrips of Centre activities were shown. Then Guru gave a talk to the assembled mothers and encouraged them to ask him questions. He inscribed a copy of the Sri Chinmoy Primer for each mother, and also presented each with a small box containing eight additional gifts. Sri Chinmoy plans to have a similar gathering for mothers of the boy disciples in the near future. Below is printed the transcription of his informal talk.

• Sri Chinmoy Library online


[9 March 1975 ] A few months ago I had the golden opportunity to be with the girls' mothers. The girls' mothers also came to Annam Brahma and it was a most significant occasion. On that day I was fortunate to have about twenty mothers.


• Sri Chinmoy Library online


21 May 1975 – Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York, hosts a special dinner for United Nations staffers, organised by the United Nations Meditation Group. The evening features a film-showing of ‘Awakening’, a 30-minute documentary about Sri Chinmoy.

• Chronology notes


21 May 1975 Wednesday 7 pm
THE UNITED NATIONS MEDITATION GROUP cordially invites you to a Vegetarian Dinner plus a film-showing of ‘Awakening’ a 30-minute documentary on the spiritual life, at Annam Brahma Vegetarian Restaurant 84-43 164th Street Jamaica, Queens

• Meditation at the UN Bulletin


[21 May 1975] Annam Brahma hosted a special dinner for United Nations staffers last month. The restaurant also holds a dinner once a month for new seekers. The evening includes a short meditation with Sri Chinmoy.

• Anahata Nada
June 1, 1975, Vol. 11, No. 6


21 May 1975 Wednesday 79 pm
THE UNITED NATIONS MEDITATION GROUP cordially invites you to a Vegetarian Dinner plus a film-showing of ‘Awakening’ a 30-minute documentary on the spiritual life, at Annam Brahma Vegetarian Restaurant 84-43 164th Street Jamaica, Queens

• Meditation at the UN Bulletin


22 May 1975 – A programme celebrating Vesak, the day of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and entrance into Nirvana, is hosted by Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. The event includes scenes from the life of the Buddha, excerpted from Sri Chinmoy’s play Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha.

• Chronology notes


May 21st and 22nd – [The United Nations meditation] group sponsored a variety of other activities including a vegetarian dinner and movie at Annam Brahma restaurant on May 21st and a celebration on May 22nd in honour of Vesak, the day of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment and entrance into Nirvana. The programme included scenes enacted from the life of the Buddha, excerpted from Guru's play, Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha, and a screening of the film Vesak, showing how this day is observed in Sri Lanka. The film was directed by Yvonne Hannemann (Manhattan), who is a former staff member of the U.N. Film Department and a specialist in the religious festivals of Sri Lanka.

• Anahata Nada
April-May 1975 Vol. V, No. 3


3 June 1975 – Yoga teacher Sarama Minoli speaks about Sri Chinmoy’s path of meditation at banquet for a fraternity of dentists, hosted by Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 • Chronology notes


June 1975 – Annam Brahma Restaurant hosts a dinner featuring poetry readings by the well-known writer Millen Brand, in Jamaica, New York.

• Chronology notes


[3 June 1975] The Talk Of Parsons Boulevard
Sarama spoke about meditation at an Annam Brahma banquet in Queens before a fraternity of dentists ...  Annam Brahma also hosted a dinner which featured poetry readings by the well-known writer Millen Brand.

• Anahata Nada
July 1, 1975  Vol. II, No. 6 [should be 7]


17 June 1975 – Sri Chinmoy holds a Tuesday evening (7:30 p.m.)  meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

• Chronology notes


June 17 1975 – Coming Events With Sri Chinmoy: A short meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, at 7:30 p.m.

• Anahata Nada
June 1, 1975, Vol. 11, No. 6


15 July 1975 – Sri Chinmoy holds a Tuesday evening (7:30 p.m.)  meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. The programme includes a movie and a guest speaker.

• Chronology notes


29 July 1975 – Sri Chinmoy holds a Tuesday evening (7:30 p.m.)  meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. The programme includes a movie and a guest speaker.

• Chronology notes


July 15 and July 29, 1975
Sri Chinmoy is holding meditations every Wednesday and Friday evening for the next several weeks in the New York area.

The Wednesday meditations are held at St. Francis Xavier School, 122 West 17th Street and the Friday meditations are held at the First Baptist Church, on North Street and Bryant Ave. in White Plains. Both begin at 7:30 p.m. and the public is cordially invited.

Sri Chinmoy is also giving brief meditations every other Tuesday evening at the disciple-owned Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens. The program, which will be held this month on July 15 and July 29, also includes a movie and a speaker. Reservations should be made by calling (212) 523-2600.

And on July 26 Sri Chinmoy is conducting a large public meditation at the Greenwich, Conn. Civic Center.

• Anahata Nada
July 1, 1975  Vol. II, No. 6 [should be 7]


16 September 1975 – Sri Chinmoy holds a Tuesday evening (7:30 p.m.)  meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. The programme includes dinner, a movie about Sri Chinmoy and a guest speaker.

• Chronology notes


30 September 1975 – Sri Chinmoy holds a Tuesday evening (7:30 p.m.)  meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. The programme includes dinner, a movie about Sri Chinmoy and a guest speaker.

• Chronology notes


[30 September 1975]
Ongoing Events in New York:

Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.– a movie about Sri Chinmoy, a short meditation with the Master and dinner at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens.

Wednesdays at 7 p.m. – public meditation with Sr Chinmoy at All Angels’ Church, 81st St, and West End Ave. in Manhattan.

• Anahata Nada
Oct. 1, 1975 Vol. 11, No. 8


11 October 1975 – A special 13-hour celebration is held to honour Sri Chinmoy completing 100,000 paintings and drawings at Thomas Edison High School, in Jamaica, New York. There is a 100-course meal prepared by Annam Brahma, along with many performances. A helicopter lands in the field of Jamaica High School. Sri Chinmoy plants a small Japanese maple tree near the entrance of the school.

• Chronology notes


11 October 1975

Sri Chinmoy's disciples celebrated their Master's completion of 100,000 paintings last month with a 13-hour festival. The 100-course dinner prepared by Annam Brahma Restaurant took 15 hours to cook.

• Anahata Nada
Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1, 1975


OCTOBER 11 1975 (Sat.) – This was the day of the Centre celebration for Guru's 100,000 paintings, at Thomas Edison High School. A one-hundred course dinner by Annam Brahma, every dish unique and tasty — all prepared in a matter of hours! Annam Brahma's stupendous cake: an exact replica of Guru's house!

• Chinmoy Family
Oct 1975-Feb 1976


9 November 1975 – Sri Chinmoy holds a contest to see who among his disciples could memorise 80 poems from Transcendence Perfection — the book of 843 poems he had written in 24 hours last month — just for the fun of it. After five days of study, about 25 disciples from the New York area take up the challenge of a written exam, starting at 8 a.m. at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. Following the competition, a multi-course meal is served. course meal. Top scores are achieved by two young women – Nemi and Nilima – and Sri Chinmoy awards them with giant trophies. Then he presents trophies to the Annam Brahma staff for their dedicated service.

• Chronology notes


NOVEMBER 9 1975 (Sun.) – At 8:00 A.M. the contestants in the Transcendence-Perfection poetry memorisation  contest  (about twenty-five disciples) met at Annam Brahma and attempted to write out eighty poems of their choice. When they were finished, a feast was served for them. Then he presented trophies to the Annam Brahma staff for their dedicated service.

• Chinmoy Family
Oct 1975-Feb 1976


9 November  1975

JAMAICA, N. Y - About 25 disciples from the New York area joined in a special contest to see who could memorise 80 poems – just for the fun of it – from the group of 843 Sri Chinmoy wrote in 24 hours last month.

After five days – and nights – of study, a written exam was held at Annam Brahma restaurant, followed by a multi-course meal.

Top scores were won by two young women – Nemi and Nilima – and their Guru awarded them giant trophies.

• Anahata Nada
Dec. 1, 1975, Vol. 11, No. 10


25 November 1975 – Held on the International Day of Thanksgiving, an evening banquet for UN representatives and staff — co-sponsored by the United Nations Meditation Group and the International Cooperation for Peace Committee — catered for by Annam Brahma Restaurant, is held at the X-Press Bar, United Nations in New York.

• Chronology notes


25 November, 1975 Tuesday, 6:30 pm

An International Vegetarian Thanksgiving Buffet, co-sponsored by the United Nations Meditation Group and the International Cooperation for Peace Committee, and catered for by Annam Brahma Restaurant (84-43 164th Street Jamaica, New York 11432) and Nectar-Bliss Bakery (713 Second Avenue New York, New York), at the X-Press Bar, United Nations

• Meditation at the UN Bulletin


[25 November1975] The United Nations Meditation Group held an International Day of Thanksgiving for U.N. representatives and staff. An evening banquet was catered by Annam Brahma Restaurant.

• Anahata Nada
December 1, 1976 Vol. 3, No. 11



Sri Chinmoy paints two large Jharna-Kala artworks, each measuring approximately 5 by 8 feet, in 13 minutes — one in 6 minutes and the other in 7 minutes — on the front porch of his home in Jamaica, New York, USA. He then entrusts them to Annam Brahma for safekeeping. Over the years, they have been exhibited in various galleries. The paintings continue to be on permanent display at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.

• Sri Chinmoy Reflections


3 December 1975 Sri Chinmoy presented to Annam Brahma restaurant two original paintings - each about 5 x 8 feet in size ..

• Anahata Nada
Vol. 2, No. 12, Jan. 1, 1976


Sri Chinmoy hosts a
special luncheon for nineteen of his male students and their mothers at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. During the reception, he gives a short talk offering his soulful gratitude to the mothers and invites them to ask questions. The transcription of this warm encounter is published in the book Nineteen American Mothers and Nineteen American Sons with Sri Chinmoy.

• Sri Chinmoy Reflections


DECEMBER 7 1975 (Sun.) – Guru invited the mothers of about thirty of the boys to a luncheon at Annam Brahma. He gave a talk, invited questions and offered his soulful gratitude to the mothers, who spontaneously applauded in appreciation of Guru. The transcription of this warm encounter has been printed in a book.

• Chinmoy Family
Oct 1975-Feb 1976


On 7 December 1975, Sri Chinmoy hosted a special luncheon at Annam Brahma Restaurant for his male disciples and their mothers. In the course of the luncheon, he gave a short talk to the mothers and invited them to ask him questions. Afterwards, he presented them with several gifts to honour them and express his gratitude to them.


• Sri Chinmoy Library online


9 December 1975 – The United Nations Meditation Group honours the dedicated service of Non-Governmental Organisations with a programme of classical music followed by an address by Dr. Louis Longarzo of Caritas lnternationalis, at the United Nations Church Centre, 777 UN Plaza, New York. The UN meditation group’s Spiritual Director Sri Chinmoy makes a presentation to Mr. Leon Marion, Chairman of the OPI Executive Committee, who accepts it on behalf of the Non-Governmental Organisations. The 2-hour programme (5:30-7:00 p.m.) is followed by an evening reception catered by Annam Brahma Restaurant.

• Chronology notes


December 9, 1975

THE UNITED NATIONS MEDITATION GROUP cordially invites you or your representative to attend a programme of classical music followed by an address by Dr. Louis Longarzo of Caritas lnternationalis and a presentation by

Sri Chinmoy, Spiritual Director of the United Nations Meditation Group honouring the service of Non-Governmental Organisations

Date: December 9, 1975; Place: UN Church Center, 777 UN Plaza, New York, NY Time: 5:30-7:00 p.m.

• Meditation at the UN Bulletin


December 9, 1975

The United Nations Meditation Group Honours The Dedicated Service of The Non-Governmental Organisations

Tuesday, December 9, 1975 United Nations Church Center 5:50 p.m.

In rededication to the ideals and aims of the United Nations Sri Chinmoy will offer a Presentation to Mr. Leon Marion, Chairman of the OPI Executive Committee, who will accept on behalf of the Non-Governmental Organisations.

The programme will be followed by a reception to which all are cordially invited (Catered by Annam Brahma Restaurant)

• Meditation at the UN Bulletin


14 December 1975 –Disciples are invited to Sri Chinmoy’s house for morning meditation, after which he drives them around the block in his car in groups of four. During the ride, the disciples maintain a meditative silence. They then go for breakfast at Annam Brahma, where Sri Chinmoy later joins them.

• Chronology notes


DECEMBER 14 1975 (Sun.) – At morning meditation at his house, Guru played on the cello for us. After meditation he took the disciples, in groups of four, for a drive around the block in his car. This was a profound blessing, and we remained silent and in a meditative mood while Guru was driving us. After our ride, we went for breakfast to Annam Brahma, where Guru eventually joined us and we enjoyed some jokes together.

• Chinmoy Family
Oct 1975-Feb 1976




Sri Chinmoy offers a
special message to senior citizens in the local area who attend a vegetarian banquet hosted by Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


On 18 January 1976, Annam Brahma restaurant hosted a vegetarian banquet for senior citizens from the Jamaica area. Each guest received a copy of the following message and a red rose from Sri Chinmoy.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


? JANUARY 19 1976 (Mon.) – In the afternoon Annam Brahma Restaurant hosted a vegetarian banquet for senior citizens from the Jamaica area, offering each a rose and a copy of a special message from Guru.

 Chinmoy Family
Oct 1975-Feb 1976


On 18 January, Annam Brahma restaurant hosted a vegetarian banquet for senior citizens from the Jamaica area. Each guest received a copy of the following message and a red rose from Sri Chinmoy.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


? January 1976 — Annam Brahma defeated Divine Robe Supreme and Guru Stationery defeated the Smile of the Beyond in bowling competition in New York.
• Chronology notes


[? January 1976] Annam Brahma defeated Divine Robe Supreme and Guru Stationery defeated the Smile of the Beyond in bowling competition ...

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 3, No. 1, Feb. 1, 1976


? 3 March 1976 — Annam Brahma hosts a banquet for musicians.
• Chronology notes


March 3  1976 
The Talk Of Parsons Boulevard:
Annam Brahma restaurant hosted an evening dinner for doctors and a luncheon for senior citizens last month. A musicians' banquet is scheduled for March 3

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 3, No. 1, Feb. 1, 1976


? May 1976 — Annam Brahma Restaurant participates in a Bicentennial food fair at Central Park sponsored by New York City.
• Chronology notes


[? May 1976] Annam Brahma Restaurant participated in a Bicentennial food fair at Central Park sponsored by New York City

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 3 No. 5  June 1, 1976


? June 1976 — Madal Circus performs in a Glen Cove, New York  Bicentennial Fair, and Annam Brahma and Guru Health Foods had food booths. The two food stores also participated in the Americana '76 fair in Manhattan.
• Chronology notes


[? June 1976] Madal Circus performed in a Glen Cove, N.Y. Bicentennial Fair, and Annam Brahma and Guru Health Foods had food booths. The two food stores also participated in the Americana '76 fair in Manhattan ...

 Chinmoy Family
Vol. 3 No. 5 July 1, 1976


22 November 1976 — The United Nations Med­itation Group sponsors its second programme of Gratitude on the International Day of Thanksgiving. The meditation group present Mr. Stewart of the Thanksgiving Square Foundation in Dallas, Texas, with an engraved plaque expressing their gratitude for the service and inspira­tion that his foundation is offering to the international community. Later, the evening Thanksgiving Dinner is held in the Ex-Press Bar of the United Nation and catered by Annam Brahma Restaurant.
• Chronology notes


22 November 1976


On 22 November 1976, the United Nations Med­itation Group sponsored its second programme of Gratitude on an International Day of Thanksgiving.

Mr. Waldo Stewart of the Thanksgiving Square Foundation in Dallas, Texas, introduced a film about the Foundation's inter-religious, internation­al place of Gratitude.

After the film, the Meditation Group presented Mr. Stewart with an engraved plaque expressing the Group’s gratitude for the service and inspira­tion that Thanksgiving Square Foundation is offering to the international community.

An International Thanksgiving Dinner, catered by Annam Brahma Restaurant, was given that evening in the Ex-Press Bar of the U.N. At the dinner there was a dramatic dance in celebration of Kwanza-First Fruits Festival by the Olatunji Center for African Culture.

 Meditation at the UN Bulletin




30 January 1977 – Sri Chinmoy cooks a meal in honour of Urmila’s birthday. He announces that there will be no more divine marriages. In the evening, he offers an esraj concert at PS 86 and answers two questions from Urmila. He also plays on the esraj while Urmila accompanies him on viola. Afterwards, Sri Chinmoy and the disciples eat at Annam Brahma.

 Chronology notes


Sri Chinmoy hosts a special function for United Nations diplomats and staff, held at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York, NY, USA. The guests include Dr. and Mrs. Myint-U the daughter of the late UN Secretary-General U Thant; Mr. Robert Muller; delegates from Portugal and Argentina; members of the Women’s Guild; as well as a number of officials from the various departments and organisations of the UN. Sri Chinmoy personally serves the guests their food and performs on the esraj and sings several new songs he has dedicated to the United Nations.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


8 February 1977 – The United Nations Meditation Group sponsors an evening banquet for UN delegates and staff members at Annam Brahma. The guests include Dr. and Mrs. Myint-U the daughter of the late UN Secretary-General U Thant. Sri Chinmoy personally serves the guests their food and performs several new songs dedicated to the UN.

 Chronology notes


FEB. 8 1977 [Tue.]  — Above, Guru greets Dr. and Mrs. Myint U at Annam Brahma. Mrs. Myint U is the daughter of the late U. N. Secretary-General U Thant. Below, Guru offers prasad to a guest.

 Chinmoy Family
February - March 1977


8 February 1977


The United Nations Meditation Group sponsored a banquet on 8 February 1977 for United Nations delegates and staff members. Among the guests of honour were Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, daughter of the late Secretary-General U Thant, and her husband Dr. Myint-U. A number of officials from the various departments and organizations of the U.N. and members of the. Women’s Guild also attended. Sri Chinmoy served the guests their food personally.

The affair was held at Annam Brahma Restau­rant, in Queens. The programme included a premier performance of several new songs by Sri Chinmoy, dedicated to the United Nations, a short play and instrumental performances.

Sri Chinmoy and Mr. Robert Muller discuss the large paintings by Sri Chinmoy and the display of his books in Annam Brahma.

Sri Chinmoy welcomes Dr. and Mrs. Myint-U. Photos by Richard Howard

 Meditation at the UN Bulletin


Feb. 8 1977 U. N. Diplomats Feted At Annam Brahma Banquet

JAMAICA, N. Y. – The United Nations Meditation Group sponsored a banquet Feb. 8 for U.N. diplomats and staff.

Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, daughter of the late U.N. Secretary-General U Thant, as well as delegates from Portugal and Argentina, were among the guests of honour.

Sri Chinmoy, Director of the Meditation Group, served the guests their food personally.

The affair was held at Annam Brahma restaurant, which is owned by one of Sri Chinmoy's disciples.

 Anahata Nada
March 1, 1977  Vol. 4, No. 2


8 March 1977 – Annam Brahma restaurant hosts a banquet for women U.N. delegates in honour of International Women’s Day.

 Chronology notes


8 March 1977


In continuation of the International Women's Day activities on 8 March, women delegates were guests of honour of the U.N. Meditation Group at a dinner with entertainment held at Annam Brahma Restaurant.

Group members open the evening with songs dedi­cated to the United Nations. (Photo by Richard Howard.) page 38

Ashrita the Magician surprises and delights guests at the end of the evening. (photo by Richard Howard.) page 39

 Meditation at the UN Bulletin


MARCH 15TH 1977
Sri Chinmoy
cooks a 22-course meal for 465 of his students to honour the third anniversary of Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. He begins cooking at 1 a.m. and finishes nearly 14 hours later. Orders come in from his meditation centres as far away as Europe and Australia, and 265 of the dinners are then sent by air express to destinations around the world.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


15 March 1977 – Sri Chinmoy cooks a 22-course meal for his students to honour the third anniversary of Annam Brahma restaurant. He begins cooking at his home at 1:00 a.m. and finishes nearly 14 hours later. Some of the meals are sent air express to disciples around the world, who ordered them from as far away as Europe and Australia. Some 265 meals are sent to distant Centres, and about 200 are consumed that day in the restaurant. Local disciples come from a concert at PS 86 to eat in shifts at the restaurant, where Sri Chinmoy is sitting at the front playing his flute.

 Chronology notes


March 15 1977

JAMAICA, N.Y. – Sri Chinmoy cooked a 22-course meal March 15 to honour the third anniversary of Annam Brahma restaurant.

He began cooking at one o'clock in the morning and finished nearly 14 hours later.

Dinners were sent air express to disciples around the world, who ordered them from as far away as Europe and Australia. Some 265 meals were sent to distant Centres, and about 200 were consumed that day in the restaurant.

Sri Chinmoy embarked on the project as a fund-raising effort for the restaurant, which Nishtha took over three years ago.

 Anahata Nada
April 1, 1977   Vol. 4. No. 3


28 March 1977 – Annam Brahma hosts an evening dinner in honour of International Women's Day. Women UN delegates and diplomats from countries as diverse as Egypt, Honduras and Costa Rica attend the function.

 Chronology notes 


March 28 1977
A Salute To The Ladies

JAMAICA, N.Y.  – Annam Brahma restaurant became a miniature United Nations last month when it hosted a banquet for women U.N. delegates.

The soiree, which attracted diplomats from countries as diverse as Egypt, Honduras and Costa Rica, was held March 28 in honour of International Women's Day.

The United Nations Meditation Group sponsored the event.

 Anahata Nada
April 1, 1977   Vol. 4. No. 3


22 April 1977 — Annam Brahma, Nectar-Bliss and Love and Serve participated in the National Food Show at the New York Coliseum.

 Chronology notes 


Apr. 22 1977 [Fri.] — Annam Brahma, Nectar-Bliss and Love and Serve participated in the National Food Show at the New York Coliseum.

 Anahata Nada
April-May 1977


4 June 1977 – Annam Brahma and Nectar­Bliss had booths at the Big Apple Food Fair in Central Park.

 Chronology notes 


JUNE 4 1977 [Sat.] – Annam Brahma and Nectar­Bliss had booths at the Big Apple Food Fair in Central Park.

 Anahata Nada
June-July 1977


23 November 1977 — Sri Chinmoy holds a morning meditation at Annam Brahma. Afterwards, he requests the disciples to keep their eyes closed as he throws prasad in their direction. Everyone enjoys the fun.

 Chronology notes 


NOV. 23 1977 [Wed.] — Guru and disciples (eyes closed) enjoyed the fun as Guru threw prasad at Annam Brahma in the morning. This is a sweet game which Guru now likes to play often and it always results in a great, noisy scramble of flailing arms.

 Chinmoy Family
October-November 1977


27 November 1977 — At Annam Brahma after sports practice, Sri Chinmoy listened as the disciples rehearsed songs in honour of Martin Luther King and Andrew Young for the forthcoming programme at the United Nations. He  expressed his wish to put the Declaration of Independence of the United States to music to bring it to life!

 Chronology notes 


NOV. 27 1977 [Sun.] — At Annam Brahma after sports practice, Guru listened as the disciples rehearsed songs in honour of Martin Luther King and Andrew Young for the forthcoming programme at the United Nations. All applauded when Guru expressed his wish to put the Declaration of Independence of the United States to music to bring it to life!

 Chinmoy Family
October-November 1977





Sri Chinmoy holds a meditation at St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University. Later, at Annam Brahma restaurant, he signs copies of the new booklet, A Galaxy of Luminaries.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


1 February 1978 – Sri Chinmoy holds a meditation at St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University. Later, at Annam Brahma, he signs copies of the new pamphlet ‘A Galaxy of Luminaries’.

 Chronology notes


FEB. 1 1978 [Wed.] — Guru held meditation at St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University. Later, at Annam Brahma, Guru signed the disciples' copies of the new Galaxy of Luminaries, compiled by Barada (NJ.). with photo­graphs of Guru and eminent figures.

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


Sri Chinmoy holds a special morning meditation at
Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. During the day, Sri Chinmoy goes to the United Nations.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections


3 February 1978 – After morning meditation at Annam Brahma, Sri Chinmoy walks to the shop next door to buy more prasad for Ranjana’s birthday. During the day, Sri Chinmoy goes to the United Nations where he hopes to meet with the Sri Lankan ambassador and also the soccer champion Pele. Neither meeting materialises.

 Chronology notes 


FEB. 3 1978 [Fri.] — After morning meditation at Annam Brahma, Guru went to the shop next door to buy more prasad

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978



Sri Chinmoy holds a morning meditation at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York. In the evening, he offers a public esraj concert at Public School 86, where, he also plays the harpsichord and paints a number of artworks.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections


4 February 1978 – After morning meditation at Annam Brahma, Sri Chinmoy comments on the hostile forces and how, “at every moment they are alert: they don't sleep.” [In the evening] Sri Chinmoy offers a public esraj concert at PS 86. He also paints a number of paintings. Devadip’s musical group, Chinmoy Rainbow, is wearing a purple uniform made by Chayanika. At one point, Sri Chinmoy plays the harpsichord while Devadip plays the guitar.

 Chronology notes


FFB. 4 1978 [ Sat ] — At Annam Brahma in the morning,

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


7 February 1978 – Due to heavy snowfall making the streets impassable, Sri Chinmoy cancels the morning meditation at Annam Brahma and instead invites the disciples to meditate standing in front of his house as he meditated from a second-floor window.

 Chronology notes


FEB 7: 1978 [Tue.] A heavy snowfall had made the streets impassable and so there was no morning gathering at Annam Brahma but Guru invited the disciples to meditate standing in front of his house as he meditated from a second-floor window.

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


9 February 1978 – During morning meditation at Annam Brahma, Sri Chinmoy goes to the shop next door to buy prasad for Chidananda’s birthday. In the evening, there is a function at PS 86. Sri Chinmoy plays the cello and reads from his new book, ‘From the Source to the Source’.

 Chronology notes


FEB. 9 1978 [Thu.] - During morning meditation at Annam Brahma, Guru went next door to buy prasad

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


11 February 1978 – Sri Chinmoy holds a morning meditation at Annam Brahma, followed by circus practice and a function at PS 86. In the evening, at PS 86, disciples recite aphorisms, there is a raffle for Sri Chinmoy’s exercise equipment, an auction of his tennis rackets, and he also signs copies for the guards of his new book, “Service-Heroes”, which contains his answers to their questions.

 Chronology notes


FEB. 11 1978 [ Sat] There was morning meditation at Annam Brahma, circus practice at P.S.86 and a function at P.S.86.

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


15 March 1978 – At 5:30 p.m. Sri Chinmoy holds a meditation at the United Nations and delivers a talk, entitled ‘Do we have the capacity to help others?’. Afterwards he holds a meditation at St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University and inaugurates the Silver Centre. He offers the spiritual meaning of the colour silver. Afterwards, he eats with the disciples at Annam Brahma.

 Chronology notes


MAR. 15 1978 [Wed.]  — Guru held meditation at the UN at 5:30 P.M.

During meditation at Columbia, Guru inaugurated the Silver Centre.

This evening, as on many other Wednesday evenings, Guru ate with the disciples at Annam Brahma after the meditation.

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


22 March 1978 – Sri Chinmoy offers his Wednesday meditation at Teachers College Chapel. Afterwards, he observes Nishtha’s birthday at Annam Brahma.

 Chronology notes


MAR 22 1978 [Wed.]  Wednesday evening meditations at the UN were suspended. The Columbia meditation was held at Teachers College Chapel.

Afterwards Nishtha's (N.Y.) birthday was observed at Annam Brahma.

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


28 March 1978 – Sri Chinmoy delivers a lecture, entitled ‘Silence’, at Fordham University in the Bronx, New York. Afterwards, Sri Chinmoy goes to Annam Brahma.

 Chronology notes


MAR. 28 1978 [Tue.] — There was a concert at Fordham University after which Guru went to Annam Brahma.

 Chinmoy Family
February-March 1978


18 April 1978 —  Sri Chinmoy have a concert at Long Island University in Brooklyn. At Annam Brahma afterwards, he mentions that some girls were not wearing saris well and that he would have a sari competition.

 Chronology notes


APR. 18 1978 [Tue.] A concert was given at Long Island University in Brooklyn. At Annam Brahma afterwards, Guru said that some girls were not wearing saris well and that he would have a sari competition.

 Chinmoy Family
April-May 1978


26 April 1978 – Sri Chinmoy does cycling training in the morning and evening. He also attends the Barnum and Bailey Circus at Madison Square Garden. Afterwards, he goes to Annam Brahma, where he speaks about the importance of the special meditations for the UN Plaza Hotel workers.

 Chronology notes


APR. 26 1978 [ Wed. ] - Guru cy­cled morning and evening and watched the Barnum and Bailey Circus at Madison Square Gar­den, then went to Annam Brahma, where he spoke about the importance of the special meditations for the UN Plaza Hotel workers.

 Chinmoy Family
April-May 1978


24 May 1978 – Following meditation at St. Paul’s Chapel, Sri Chinmoy goes to Annam Brahma, where he speaks with David Rowe of the US Mission to the United Nations. On this day, he also gives the talk ‘Say, Do and Give’.

 Chronology notes


26 September 1978 – Sri Chinmoy answers questions at Annam Brahma Restaurant.

 Chronology notes


26 September 1978
Question: I would like to ask you how you experience God when you meditate?[^8]
The following questions were asked at Annam Brahma Restaurant on 26 September 1978.

AUM – Vol.II-5, No. 9,10, September-October 1978

 Sri Chinmoy Library online




27 March 1979 – Sri Chinmoy answers questions at Annam Brahma Restaurant.

 Chronology notes


27 March 1979
Question: I've been having some difficulty meditating. What would you say would be a good idea?[^3]
The following questions were asked at Annam Brahma restaurant on 27 March 1979.

AUM – Vol.II-6, No. 1, January 1980

 Sri Chinmoy Library online




15 January 1980 – At Annam Brahma, Sri Chinmoy offers a trophy to champion marathoner Nina Kuscsik, who had come to speak about women and running for the series of ‘Run and Become’ programmes.

 Chronology notes


15 Jan. 1980   Sri Chinmoy presents a trophy to world-class runner Nina Kuscsik, who has won both the New York and Boston marathons. Kuscsik was at Annam Brahma Restaurant giving a talk on women and running.

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 5,  No. 12 Vol. 6, No. 1  Dec. 1979 and Jan. 1980


25 January 1980 – Beginning at midnight, in freezing weather, Sri Chinmoy begins running at Jamaica High School and disciples are invited to watch. Although he has planned to run for several hours, Sri Chinmoy stops running there after a few laps, runs a further distance at Flushing Meadow Park and then invites everyone back to Annam Brahma.

 Chronology notes


29 January 1980 – Veteran runner Fritz Mueller speaks at Annam Brahma’s Run and Become programme.

 Chronology notes


8 March 1980 – Sri Chinmoy goes to watch a 60 km running race held on the challenging course in New York's Central Park. The winner and new American record-holder is Allan Kirik, who in 1979 had become the first American to win the famous London-to-Brighton ultramarathon. A number of dis­ciples cheer Allan along; he is a Flushing resident and a long­ time patron of Annam Brahma.  Allan said he had tried especially hard to do well because he knew he was coming to Annam Brahma three days later to give a talk and meet Sri Chinmoy.

 Chronology notes


MAR. 8 1980 (Sat.) — Guru watched a 60K running race held on the challenging course in New York's Central Park. The winner and new American record-holder was Allan Kirik, who in 1979 had become the first American to win the famous London-to-Brighton ultramarathon. A number of dis­ciples cheered Allan along; he is a Flushing resident and a long­ time patron of Annam Brahma

 Chinmoy Family
March - April 1980


March 8 1980
Talk Of Parsons Blvd.

Alan Kirik,  who set an American record March 8 in a 60-kilometre race in Central Park, said he had tried especially hard to do well because he knew he was coming to Annam Brahma three days later to give a talk and meet Guru

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 6, No. 2-3-4  Feb.-March-April 1980


11 March 1980 – Fresh from his triumphant 60km race in Central Park, ultra runner Allan Kirik speaks at Annam Brahma’s ‘Run and Become’ programme. The singers perform a song Sri Chinmoy has composed for him and Sri Chinmoy presents him with a trophy.

 Chronology notes


MAR. 11 1980 (Tue.) — Fresh from his triumphant race in Central Park, Allan Kirik spoke at Annam Brahma's "Run and Become" programme, offering sound advice on training, stretch­ ing and diet with his unbounded energy and good humour. Allan narrated during a slide presentation of his London-to-Brighton victory. He said that seeing the disciples in Central Park on Saturday had made him feel that he had to do well, since he was scheduled to speak at Annam Brahma! The singers performed a song composed by Guru in Allan's honour and Guru offered him a beautiful trophy.

 Chinmoy Family
March - April 1980


March 11 1980  Sri Chinmoy presents a trophy to Alan Kirik, first American to win the London to Brighton ultramarathon. Kirik was guest speaker March 11 at Annam Brahma Restaurant's "Run and Become" lecture series.

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 6, No. 2-3-4  Feb.-March-April 1980


22 March 1980 – At 2:00 am, Sri Chinmoy embarks on a 30-mile run along a one-mile course passing by his house. It is cold, rainy and windy but Sri Chinmoy keeps a very fast pace for 13 miles. At that point he stops and invites everyone who has been assisting him to go to Annam Brahma. There he requests the disciples to complete his task, with the boys running 17 miles and the girls running 13 miles, beginning at 8:00 am.

 Chronology notes


MAR. 22 1980 (Sat.) — At 2:00 a.m., Guru set out on a thirty-mile run along a one-mile course passing by his house. It was a cold, rainy, windy night, but Guru kept a terrific pace for thirteen miles. sometimes a 7. 5-minute mile or even faster. After finishing thir­teen miles Guru stopped running and invited the disciples who had been assisting and encouraging him to go to Annam Brahma. There Guru announced that he had "good news": he wished the disciples to complete his task, the boys by running the remaining seventeen miles and the girls by running thirteen miles. The run would begin at 8:00 a.m. Meanwhile, food was served and Guru derived great amusement from the animated disputes between disciples who were trying to compute his pace for the thirteen miles which he had completed.

After an hour or so of rest, many disciples assembled on the corner of 150th Street and 85th Drive, where Guru started them off shortly past 8:00. The weather was most uncongenial, with wind and frozen, sleety rain biting at the runners, especially as they turned back at Grand Central Parkway, but many reached their goal by the time Guru stopped the run at 10:30. Martin B. was the first boy to complete seventeen miles and Garima the first girl to complete thirteen; Gayatri was the only girl to complete seventeen. The disciples were fortunate enough to pass by Guru's house once every mile on the route. Guru could often be seen on the porch, bundled up while his feet were massaged by Tulasi and some­ times offering a heart-warming wave to the ice-logged runners. Guru gave an orange and a rich Greek pastry to each runner at the end of the race.

The New Jersey, Manhattan and Blue Centres held an inspir­ing twelve-hour intensive seminar for seekers at the Friends Meet­ ing House in Manhattan. Urmila was the guest speaker at this and another special programme on meditation held this weekend.

Guru celebrated Garima's and Nishtha's birthday.

In the evening, during a function at Progress-Promise, Guru meditated on his head sculpted by Amy (Boston). Guru was extremely pleased with the consciousness of the head; he said that Amy had truly captured his compassion-aspect. Turning the head towards the disciples as he held a towel over the top and sides, Guru said he was ready to give it a mark of 95 out of 100; he would give it 100 out of 100 except, as he explained, "I am hiding something." (The ears had not been finished.)

 Chinmoy Family
March - April 1980


22 April 1980 – At Annam Brahma’s ‘Run and Become’ programme, the featured speaker is Jay Helgerson who ran 52 marathons in the year 1979. Sri Chinmoy asks him many questions and offers him a trophy with 52 medals. Sri Chinmoy’s song for Jay is performed under the direction of Haridas. Helgerson told Runner’s World Magazine that the Sri Chinmoy Marathon in San Francisco was the best organised of all the marathons he ran in.

 Chronology notes


22 April 1980   Jay Helgerson, who ran one marathon a week last year at an average sub-three-hour pace, is presented with a cake by Sri Chinmoy during an appearance at Annam Brahma’s “Run and Become” lecture series. Helgerson told Runner’s World Magazine that the Sri Chinmoy Marathon in San Francisco was the best organised of all the marathons he ran in.

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 6, No. 4  April 1980 (continued)


APR. 22 1980 (Tue.) — At the United Nations, the Meditation Group held a special programme in tribute to Jesse Owens. At Annam Brahma's "Run and Become" programme the featured speaker was Jay Helgerson, who had run fifty-two marathons in 1979-one every week — breaking three hours forty-five times! Guru, ever in­trigued by "impossible" feats, listened attentively as Jay spoke, and asked several questions. The singers, directed by Haridas, per­ formed a song which Guru had written for Jay and Guru gave Jay a trophy with fifty-two medals!

 Chinmoy Family
March - April 1980


29 April 1980 – The 4th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy’s painting ‘Larger Than the Largest’. Top marathon runner Tom Fleming is honoured by Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma’s ‘Run and Become’ series.

 Chronology notes


APR. 29 1980 (Tue.) — The  fourth anniversary of Guru's painting "Larger Than the Largest." Top runner Tom Fleming spoke at Annam Brahma's "Run and Become" series. Guru gave him an award in recognition of his achievements.

 Chinmoy Family
March - April 1980


April 29 1980   Marathon runner Tom Fleming meets Sri Chinmoy April 29 during a guest appearance at Annam Brahma’s “Run and Become” lecture series.

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 6, No. 4  April 1980 (continued)


13 May 1980 – Ultrarunner Stan Cottrell speaks at Annam Brahma’s ‘Run and Become’ series.

 Chronology notes


May 13  1980 Stan Cottrell, who set a world record for a cross-country run, spent a week with the disciples in Queens before starting out on his trek. He spoke at Annam Brahma's "Run and Become" lecture series May 13 and met with Guru the morning of his run, May 16.

 Anahata Nada
May-June-July 1980 Volume 6. Nos. 5-6-7 (continued)


11 June 1980 – Following Sri Chinmoy’s special request to have function for Father's Day at  the  gym (a week early, since he would be away on the official date), his sister Liiy, assisted by the Annam Brahma staff, Annam Brahma prepare a twenty-seven course meal. 

 Chronology notes


June 11, 1980
FATHER'S DAY (Celebrated June 11)

After a day of short-distance cycling races on Long  Island, Guru said we would have a  special function for Father's Day at  the  gym (a week early, since Guru would be away on the official date.)

Guru told us that we would have a not one, not two, not three,  not  four  but  twenty-seven course meal, prepared  by  his sister Liiy, assisted by the Annam Brahma  staff.

 Chinmoy Family
January-February 1980


16 September 1980 – Craig Virgin, US record-holder for the 10-km run, is the special guest speaker at Annam Brahma’s ‘Run and Become’ series. Sri Chinmoy presents him with a large trophy. Disciples a song that Sri Chinmoy had written for him.

 Chronology notes


Sept. 16.  1980   Sri Chinmoy presents a trophy to Craig Virgin, U.S. record-holder for the 10 kilometre run. Virgin was at Annam Brahma as a guest speaker at the restaurant's "Run and Become" lecture series Sept. 16. After the presentation, the Master's disciples sang a song their Guru had written in Virgin's honour.

 Anahata Nada
August 1980-January 1981  Volume 6, Nos. 8-12  Volume 7, No. 1




[? January 1981]
Talk Of Parsons Blvd.

Guru began holding morning meditations on weekdays at Annam Brahma and weekends at Progress-Promise in January. During each morning of the first week, he taught the singers a new song about the body, vital, mind, heart or soul ...

 Anahata Nada
Volume 6, Nos. 8-12  Volume 7, No. 1  August 1980-January 1981 (continued)


10 February 1981 – America’s third fastest miler Craig Masback speaks at Annam Brahma’s Run and Become lecture series.

 Chronology notes


10  February 1981
Talk Of Parsons Blvd.

America's third fastest miler, Craig Masback, spoke at Annam Brahma's "Run and Become" lecture series on 10 February

 Anahata Nada
Volume 7, Nos. 2-5  February 1981-May 1981


JUNE 8TH  1981
Sri Chinmoy meets with Bob Beamon, 1968 Olympic long-jump champion, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


8 June 1981 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Bob Beamon, 1968 Olympic long jump champion, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


8 June  1981
Talk Of Parsons Blvd.

Guru met with New Zealand running coach Arthur Lydiard on 7 June and with Olympic long-jump champion Bob Beamon on 8 June.

Lydiard came to Progress-Promise for a function and Beamon gave a talk at Annam Brahma. Guru wrote songs for both of them ... Guru inaugurated his new tennis court in Jamaica on 10 June, playing there for the first time. The court was built by a group of disciples led by Pulin and Bipin on land purchased from the city

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 7, Nos. 6-7  June-July 1981


Sri Chinmoy meets with marathon champion Robert de Castella after he won the BMW 15 Kilometre Footrace in Harrison, New York. Sri Chinmoy invites ‘Deek’ to visit him in two days time in Jamaica Queens to speak at Annam Brahma restaurant.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 



Sri Chinmoy meets with champion marathon runner Robert De Castella and his wife Gaylene Clewsat Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA. Sri Chinmoy had personally invited Rob De Castella to be the guest speaker as part of a regular series of talks given by elite athletes.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


29 September 1981 Robert De Castella, the world's second fastest marathoner, chats with Sri Chinmoy after winning the 15-kilometre BMW race on 27 September. Two days later the Australian runner spoke at Annam Brahma.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 8 Nos. 9-12  September-December 1981


29 September 1981 – Robert de Castella speaks at Annam Brahma in New York.

The other day I was doing hill work on 150th Street. Whom did I see? The great Australian runner Robert de Castella. He was planning to eat at Annam Brahma and he was doing some running before he went there.

15 October 1981


 Sri Chinmoy Library online




13 July 1982
Annam Brahma Restaurant Welcomes Women of The Diplomatic Community

On 13 July 1982 women of the diplomatic community enjoyed an afternoon of music and meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York. The programme included an introduction to meditation by members of the meditation group, a short inspirational film which had previously been used on television and a vegetarian luncheon.

 Meditation at the UN Bulletin




9 June 1983 – Sri Chinmoy inaugurates the meditation-garden at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


June 9 1983
Talk Of Parsons Blvd.

Guru inaugurated the meditation-garden at Annam Brahma restaurant on June 9 ...

 Anahata Nada
Volume 10  July-August 1983


11 June1983 – Sri Chinmoy receives a visit from two deputy Permanent Representatives from the United Nations – Arthur De Silva of Sri Lanka and Yadab Silwal of the Kingdom of Nepal at his private tennis court in Jamaica, New York. They play several games of tennis with Sri Chinmoy, followed by a short meditation and the singing of two songs he had composed honouring their respective countries. The morning ends with a meal at Annam Brahma restaurant.

 Chronology notes


June 11 1983 Diplomats And Tennis: A Game Of Love

JAMAICA, N.Y. – Two deputy Permanent Representatives from the United Nations – Arthur De Silva of Sri Lanka and Yadab Silwal of the Kingdom of Nepal – visited Sri Chinmoy at his private tennis court here June 11, bringing their families along with them.

The Master played several games of tennis with them, which was followed by a short meditation and the singing of two songs he had composed honouring their respective countries. The morning ended with a meal at Annam Brahma.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 10, Nos. 2-5  February-June 1983


21 June1983 – Sri Chinmoy presents Ted Corbitt, the man known as the “father of long-distance running in America,” with the Sri Chinmoy Sports and Service Award at a special sports dinner held at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York. Sri Chinmoy also gives an award to Fred Lebow, President of the New York Road Runners, to commemorate his club’s 25 years of service to the running community. Earlier, Sri Chinmoy had presented a special award to George Vallasi, the club’s Director of Ultramarathoning.

 Chronology notes


June 21 1983

The Sri Chinmoy Sports and Service Award was presented this year to Ted Corbitt, the man known as the "father of long-distance running in America."

The award, presented yearly since 1980, seeks to honour an athlete of courage and heroic will who has been a great inspiration to his fellow man because of his inner as well as outer qualities.

Sri Chinmoy presented Corbitt the award at a special sports dinner held June 21 in Annam Brahma restaurant.

The Master also gave an award to Fred Lebow, president of the New York Road Runners, to commemorate his club's 25 years of service to the running community. Earlier, Sri Chinmoy had presented a special award to George Vallasi, the Club's director of ultramarathoning.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 10, Nos. 2-5  February-June 1983




15 March 1984 – Sri Chinmoy celebrates Annam Brahma restaurant’s 10th anniversary in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


March 15  1984
Talk Of Parsons Blvd.

Annam Brahma celebrated its10th anniversary March 15.

 Anahata Nada
Vol. 10-11 December 1983-March 1984


> Nothing for 1985




JUNE 25TH  1986
Sri Chinmoy first meets with Bill Pearl, 5-time Mr. Universe; Al Oerter, 4-time Olympic gold medallist in discus; and Jim Smith, British Weightlifting Registrar, World Masters Weightlifting Champion, at his Body, Heart and Soul One-Arm Lift anniversary in Jamaica, NY, USA. After his invited guests — including athletic and weightlifting champions: Sudhahota Carl Lewis and his parents Bill and Evelyn, Bill and Judy Pearl, Terry and Jan Todd, Al and Cathy Oerter, Jim Smith, Cliff and Mrs. Sawyer, Narada Michael and Anukampa Walden and others — have dinner at Annam Brahma restaurant, Sri Chinmoy begins the evening programme at Aspiration-Ground with a meditation and an opening prayer before the assembly of champions. Sudhahota Carl Lewis acts as the Master of Ceremonies for the event.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Sri Chinmoy lifts various objects using the seated calf-raise: a refrigerator; 700 of his books; a Christmas tree; an ice cream cart; and nearly 500 pounds each of rice, potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower, onions and dal from Annam Brahma restaurant. He also used a standing calf-raise with an overhead platform for the first time, at Aspiration-Ground in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


18 November 1986

An Uplifting Meal
Today, with my seated calf raise machine, I lifted some of the actual kinds of food that I get from Annam Brahma — nearly 500 pounds each of rice, potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower, onions and dal. So all these my disciples will eat next Sunday. Annam Brahma will make a very special meal using the actual vegetables that I have lifted.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


> Nothing for 1987




Sri Chinmoy meets with Calvin Smith, the former world-record holder for 100 metres, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. Sri Chinmoy presents him with a plaque, calling him “Champion of Champions.” Sri Chinmoy’s students also sing a song for him that Sri Chinmoy had composed in his honour.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


13 February 1988 ?

The great runner Calvin Smith needs no introduction. Today he was at Annam Brahma restaurant for forty-five minutes. Instead of allowing the disciples to ask him a volley of questions, I asked him one question after the other. I was very pleased to see him. He is simplicity incarnate. All his childlike qualities deeply impressed me and the disciples who were present.

Strangely enough, some of his pictures are quite similar to mine when I was younger, and I also felt in him the same type of shyness that I had when I first came to America.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


Feb. 14. 1988 ?
Sprinter Calvin Smith Meets Indian Teacher

JAMAICA, NY – Champion sprinter Calvin Smith visited Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma Restaurant here on Feb. 14.

The Master presented Smith with a plaque, calling him "champion of champions," and his students honoured him with a song Sri Chinmoy  had composed in his honour.

Afterwards, the athlete told Sri Chinmoy: "It was a very good song, beautiful song, great song.... I will pray for you and hope you will pray for me that we can continue to carry God's Word on."

Below, top-ranked sprinter Calvin Smith receives a plaque from Sri Chinmoy during a meeting Feb. 14 in Annam Brahma restaurant.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 17  mid-December 1987 – March 1988


13 February 1988 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Calvin Smith at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York, where he presents the former world-record holder for 100 metres with a plaque, calling him “champion of champions.” Sri Chinmoy’s students also honour him with a song Sri Chinmoy had composed.

 Chronology notes

Sri Chinmoy meets with Sy Mah, a senior citizen who has completed over 490 marathons, honouring him with a song and a plaque, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections


Feb. 26  1988   Guru met with Sy Mah, a senior citizen who has completed over 490 marathons, at Annam Brahma on Feb. 26 and honoured him with a song and a plaque ... Two days later, also at Annam Brahma, Guru met with cellist Rohan De Saram, member of the well-known British string quartet Arditti .

 Anahata Nada
Volume 17  mid-December 1987 – March 1988


26 February 1988 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Sy Mah, a senior citizen who has completed over 490 marathons, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York. Sri Chinmoy honours the veteran runner with a song and a plaque.

 Chronology notes


28 February 1988 – Sri Chinmoy meets with cellist Rohan De Saram, member of the renowned British string quartet Arditti, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


25 October 1988 – Sri Chinmoy honours TV talk show host Joe Franklin at a special function held at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York.

 Chronology notes


Oct. 25 1988
Franklin Honoured

TV talk show host Joe Franklin was honoured by Sri Chinmoy at a special function held Oct. 25 in Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens.

Franklin said the Master was one of his 12 all-time favourite talk show guests.

"I've never met any man that I've admired as much – that I worship as a divinity – as Sri Chinmoy," Franklin said. "I'm one of his very, very avid and ardent and loving disciples."

 Anahata Nada
Volume 17   August - November 1988




5 May 1989 – Sri Chinmoy honours Dr. Jayaraman, Executive Director of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (USA), and his wife, at a private function at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


May 5 1989
Talk Of Parsons Boulevard

Dr. Jayaraman, executive director of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan(USA), and his wife were honoured by Guru at a private function at Annam Brahma on May 5 ..

 Anahata Nada
Volume 18  April-July 1989


Part IV On 10 December 1989, freelance journalist Mark Teich interviewed Sri Chinmoy in preparation for an article which later appeared in //Sports Illustrated.// Here are excerpts from the interview

10 December 1989 Question: Many religions claim that the Gods of other religions are false and only their God is the right one. You speak of the Supreme, but this does not seem to be a specific God to the exclusion of all other Gods. It is everyone's God, somehow. Your disciples are not strictly following a religion, but a path. Is that correct?

To me, each religion is like a house. Today you have come from your house, and I have come from my house. Together we are meeting at this restaurant, Annam Brahma.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 32

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


JUNE 20TH  1989
Sri Chinmoy lifts Reverend Jesse Jackson, National Rainbow Coalition President; Democratic Presidential Candidate in 1984, 1988; and civil rights leader, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


20 June 1989 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Reverend Jesse Jackson, National Rainbow Coalition President, and Democratic Presidential Candidate (1984 and 1988), at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York, after which, he lifts the civil rights leader in the garden tent of the restaurant. Also attending, is singer Addwittya Roberta Flack.

 Chronology notes


June 20 1989 Jesse Jackson chats with Sri Chinmoy during a meeting June 20 at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, Queens. Later the Master lifted Jackson

 Anahata Nada
Volume 18  April-July 1989


Aug. 7 1989 Sri Chinmoy meets with tennis star Steffi Graf at Annam Brahma Nov. 11,  below, and with Congressman Gary Ackerman, bottom. After being lifted by the Master Aug. 7, Ackerman said: "I had every confidence that the Guru would be able to lift me outwardly as he has been able to uplift me spiritually..."

 Anahata Nada
Volume 18 August-November 1989



Sri Chinmoy honours Karan Singh, Ambassador of India to the United States, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 



Sri Chinmoy lifts numerous people, including Steffi Graf, the world’s no. 1 female tennis player and considered the best female player of the 20th century; and Ambalika Evelyn Lewis, US Olympic athlete, mother of Sudhahota Carl Lewis, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections


11 November 1989 – Sri Chinmoy lifts numerous people, including Steffi Graf, world’s no. 1 female tennis player and considered the best female player of the 20th century; and Ambalika Evelyn Lewis, US Olympic athlete, mother of Sudhahota Carl Lewis, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


25 November 1989 – Sri Chinmoy honours Arthur Jayasena Ranashinghe, Sri Lanka’s Minister of State for Information, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


Nov. 25. 1989  Sri Lanka's Minister of State for Information, Arthur Jayasena Ranashinghe, was honoured by Guru at Annam Brahma Nov. 25.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 18    August-November 1989





Sri Chinmoy honours Grammy-winning singer Addwitiya Roberta Flack on her birthday, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Sri Chinmoy has a private meeting with Karan Singh, former Ambassador for India to the USA, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA. (Karan Singh has just resigned his ambassadorial post in America and meets with Sri Chinmoy before returning to India.)

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


25 February 1990 – Sri Chinmoy has a private meeting with Karan Singh, former Ambassador for India to the USA, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York. (Karan Singh has just resigned his ambassadorial post in America and meets with Sri Chinmoy before returning to India.)

 Chronology notes


MAY 26TH  1990
Sri Chinmoy meets with Dr. Felix Kuznetsov, Director of the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


26 May 1990 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Dr. Felix Kuznetsov of the Gorky Institute, Moscow, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes

May 26 1990 Felix Kuznetsov, Director of the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, met with Guru May 26 at Annam Brahma .

 Anahata Nada
Volume 19   April-July 1990


On 26 May 1990, Sri Chinmoy met with Dr. Felix Kuznetsov of the Gorky Institute, Moscow, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. These are some excerpts from their conversation.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online




26 February 1991 – Sri Chinmoy  conducts his regular Tuesday meditation session at the United Nations in New York. And In the evening,  he takes Mr. Mehrotra’s daughter Aparna to dinner at Annam Brahma.


18 April 1991 – Sri Chinmoy meets with and lifts the Deputy Soviet Ambassador to the U.N. Aleksandr Razvin at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.


April 18 1991 Talk Of Parsons Boulevard Guru met with and lifted the Deputy Soviet Ambassador to the U.N., Aleksandr Razvin, on April 18 at Annam Brahma .

 Anahata Nada
Volume 20 April - July 1991


1 May 1991 – Sri Chinmoy meets with the President of the 45th U.N. General Assembly Guido de Marco, and lifts him at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York. Later, Sri Chinmoy lifts him.


May 1 1991 Talk Of Parsons Boulevard Guru met with the President of the 45th U.N. General Assembly, Guido de Marco, on May 1 at Annam Brahma and lifted him.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 20 April - July 1991


JUNE 14TH   1991
Sri Chinmoy meets and meditates with singer/songwriter Arlo Guthrie, son of the legendary folksinger Woody Guthrie, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.


14 June 1991 – Sri Chinmoy greets singer Arlo Guthrie, son of the legendary folk singer Woody Guthrie, who comes to Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, to meet and meditate with him.  “I am a great, sincere, genuine admirer of your father,”  Sri Chinmoy tells him. “He was a supremely genuine seeker and also an unparalleled self-giver through his heart-illumining and life-fulfilling songs.” During the course of the meeting, the disciple singers sing Woody Guthrie’s ‘This Land is Your Land’ and Sri Chinmoy’s adaptation to the famous tune — ‘This Heart is Your Heart’ — using his own lyrics.


June 14 1991  Arlo Guthrie Visits Guru Land

JAMAICA, NY – Singer Arlo Guthrie came to Annam Brahma restaurant on June 14 to meet and meditate with Sri Chinmoy. "I am a great, sincere, genuine admirer of your father," the Master told him. "He was a supremely genuine seeker and also an unparalleled self-giver through his heart-illumining and life-fulfilling songs."

During the course of the meeting, the disciple singers sang Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land" and Sri Chinmoy's adaptation, "This Heart is Your Heart," using words their teacher had put to Guthrie's music.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 20 April - July 1991


21 July 1991– Sri Chinmoy meets with Sudhahota Carl Lewis at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. And later, across the road at Aspiration-Ground, the Olympic track and field star gives Sri Chinmoy some running tips.


On 21 July 1991 Sudhahota met with Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma Restaurant.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


7 September 1991 – Best Wishes From Ambassador Guruge of Sri Lanka

On 7 September 1991, Sri Lanka's Ambassador to France and UNESCO, H.E. Mr. Ananda Guruge, and his family extended their best wishes to Sri Chinmoy for his 60th birthday during a luncheon at Annam Brahma Restaurant.



Sri Chinmoy meets with Sudhahota Carl Lewis, Olympic Sprinter and Long-jump Champion, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


12 September 1991
Sudhahota met with Sri Chinmoy on 12 September

13 September 1991
, the next day, at Annam Brahma.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


27 September 1991 – Sri Chinmoy lifts H.E. Jaya Raj Acharya, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations, and Nepal’s Minister of Tourism, Ram Hari Joshi at the garden tent behind Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.


Sept. 27 1991   Jayaraj Acharya, Nepal's Ambassador to the U.N., arid Nepal's Minister of Tourism, Ram Hari Joshi, were lifted by Guru at the tent behind Annam Brahma on Sept. 27

 Anahata Nada
Volume 20   August-Early December 1991



Sri Chinmoy offers the U Thant Peace Award to Guido De Marco, President of the UN General Assembly and Deputy Prime Minister of Malta, at Annam-Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


21 October 1991 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Shigeto Kanayama, Director and Principal Concert Master of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, and Hiroshi Nishida, Concertmaster, at Annam Brahma in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


Oct. 21 1991  Talk Of Parsons Boulevard  Guru met the General Director of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Shigeto Kanayama, and the Orchestra's Principal Concert Master, Hiroshi Nishida, on Oct. 21 at Annam Brahma

 Anahata Nada
Volume 20   August-Early December 1991


[1 November 1991]

After observing Sri Chinmoy’s running and stair-climbing at Aspiration-Ground, Sudhahota joined the spiritual teacher and a few of his students for breakfast at Annam Brahma.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


18 November 1991 – Sri Chinmoy lifts Prince Sigvard Bernadotte and Princess Marianne Bernadotte of Sweden at Annam Brahma in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


Nov. 18 . 1991  Prince Sigvard Bemadotte of Sweden and his wife, Princess Marianne, were lifted by Guru at Annam Brahma on Nov. 18 .

 Anahata Nada
Volume 20   August-Early December 1991




Sri Chinmoy reads a letter from Mikhail Gorbachev, which was hand-delivered on 4 February by Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Sri Chinmoy honours Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, with the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ Award by lifting him in the garden tent behind Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


4 February 1992 – Sri Chinmoy honours Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, with the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ Award by lifting him in the garden tent behind Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


Sri Chinmoy hosts a special function for Aleksandr Razvin, Deputy Soviet Ambassador to the United Nations, at Annam Brahma restaurant in New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Feb. 28  1992  Guru and the disciples went to the Mobil Games at Madison Square Garden Feb. 28 to watch Sudhahota do the long jump; the next day the champion athlete came to Annam Brahma to watch videos of Guru's running and give him coaching advice.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 21 Mid-December 1991 – March 1992


Sri Chinmoy meets with Olympic gold-medal-winning sprinter Sudhahota Carl Lewis for some coaching advice at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


29 February 1992 – Sudhahota visits Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma to watch videos of Sri Chinmoy’s running and to offer him coaching advice.

 Chronology notes


17 March 1992 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Vladimir Petrovsky, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Geneva, and his wife Mira for dinner at Annam Brahma restaurant in New York. Sri Chinmoy  honours Mrs. Petrovsky with the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ Award by lifting her in the garden tent behind the restaurant. Also present are Mr. Razvin and his wife Valentina. After dinner, there is a special function at Public School 86.

 Chronology notes


4 August 1992 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Mr. Razvin and his wife in the evening at Annam Brahma in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


Sri Chinmoy lifts Charman Lal Sharma, UNESCO Deputy Director-General for Management, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 




Sri Chinmoy lifts 1992 Olympic decathlon gold medalist Robert Zmelik from the Czech Republic, in the garden tent at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


4 February 1993 – Sri Chinmoy lifts 1992 Olympic decathlon gold medalist Robert Zmelik from the Czech Republic, in the garden tent at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


Feb. 4.  1993 Guru lifted Robert Zmelik, the Czech gold medal winner of the decathlon in the '92 Olympics, at Annam Brahma on Feb. 4.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 22  December 1992 - March 1993


Sri Chinmoy hosts a banquet for Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations, Geneva, and his wife Mira, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Sri Chinmoy lifts Anatoli Sergeyevich Chernyayev, aid to President Gorbachev, former Soviet National Security Advisor; and Pavel Ruslanovich Palazhchenko, interpreter, as part of the ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme, in the garden tent behind Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Sri Chinmoy lifts Don Ritchie, ultra-distance runner, the world-record holder for 100 miles and 100 km, in the garden tent at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


26 February 1993 – Sri Chinmoy lifts Don Ritchie, ultra-distance runner, the world-record holder for 100 miles and 100 km, in the garden tent at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


22 March 1993 – Sri Chinmoy meets with the Indian violinist L. Subramaniam at Annam Brahma for a private dinner. Before dinner, Sri Chinmoy lifts him and also sings a song that he had composed for him  that afternoon. Later, Sri Chinmoy said that of all the great maestros he has met, this man is the most humble. He is a true seeker.

 Chronology notes


24 April 1993 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Russell Wilson, the Staff Director of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Sub-committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Queens, New York.

 Chronology notes


On 24 April 1993, Sri Chinmoy met with Russell Wilson, who was then Staff Director of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Sub-committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs. This informal conversation took place at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


12 September 1993 – Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to C. Subramaniam, President of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the worldwide Indian cultural association, at a luncheon at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. Dignitaries attending the award include S. Ramakrishnan, Executive Secretary of the Bhavan, and the noted Indian jurist and author, Nani A. Palkhivala.

 Chronology notes


Sept. 12 1993
Bhavan President Gets U Thant Award

JAMAICA, N.Y. – C. Subramaniam, President of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the worldwide Indian cultural association, received the U Thant Peace Award Sept. 12 from Sri Chinmoy.

Dignitaries attending the awards luncheon at Annam Brahma Restaurant included S. Ramakrishnan, Executive Secretary of the Bhavan, and the noted Indian jurist and author. Nani A. Palkhivala.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 23 August-Mid-December 1993


Sri Chinmoy meets with President Gorbachev’s chief interpreter Pavel Palazchenko from the Gorbachev Foundation at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


18 October 1993 – Sri Chinmoy greets Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, President of the ruling Nepali Congress Party and former Prime Minister of Nepal, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York.

 Chronology notes


Oct. 18. 1993   Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, president of the ruling Nepali Congress Party and former Prime Minister of Nepal, greets Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens on Oct. 18.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 23 August-Mid-December 1993




MAY 7TH 1994

Sri Chinmoy meets with Professor P. Jayarama Reddy, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Venkateswara University in Tirupati, South India, at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections


7 May 1994 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Professor P. Jayarama Reddy, Vice Chancellor of Sri Venkateswara University in Tirupatai, South India, at Annam Brahma restaurant in New York.

 Chronology notes


May 7 1994  Professor P. Jayarama Reddy, Vice Chancellor of Sri Venkateswara University in Tirupatai, South India, met with Guru at Annam Brahma on May 7

 Anahata Nada
Volume 24   April-July 1994


10 May 1994 – On Akuli’s birthday, 10 May 1994, Sri Chinmoy spoke about obedience and invited her to ask him a few [7] questions. [Was this at Annam Brahma?]


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


10 May  1994

Akuli’s question: The Supreme doesn't get sick of it?

Sri Chinmoy: He does not get sick of anything. Since you joined the path, how many things you have done for manifestation! You are working twenty-four hours a day in Annam Brahma

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 1

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


10 May  1994

Akuli’s question: What can I do to please the Supreme more?

When you see me on the physical plane at Annam Brahma or somewhere else, sincere happiness should come from the very depths of your heart.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 1

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


JUNE 13TH  1994
Sri Chinmoy meets with Mrs. Noemi Kovanda, wife of the Czech ambassador to the United Nations, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


13 June 1994 – Sri Chinmoy answers questions asked by Mrs. Noemi Kovanda, wife of the Czech ambassador to the United Nations, during a meeting with at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York.

 Chronology notes


13 June 1994 These questions were asked by Mrs. Noemi Kovanda, wife of the Czech ambassador to the United Nations, during a meeting with Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma Restaurant on 13 June 1994.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


JUNE 16TH  1994
Sri Chinmoy meets with Lindsay Clennell, a film writer and producer, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York, NY, USA. There, Mr. Clennell asks Sri Chinmoy about his recent three-million ‘soul-bird’ drawings.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


16 June 1994 – Sri Chinmoy meets with Lindsay Clennell, a film writer and producer, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York. There, Sri Chinmoy signs one of his drawings for Mr. Clennell.

 Chronology notes


On 16 June 1994 Sri Chinmoy met with Lindsay Clennell, a film writer and producer, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens. There Sri Chinmoy signed one of his drawings for Mr. Clennell. Here are excerpts from their conversation.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


JULY 11TH  1994
Sri Chinmoy meets with Dr Josephine Davis, President of York College — a branch of the City University of New York, based in Queens — at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections

On 11 July 1994, Dr Josephine Davis, President of York College — a branch of the City University of New York based in Queens — met with Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma Restaurant. These are excerpts from their conversation.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online



Sri Chinmoy lifts Ramaswami Venkataraman, former President of the Republic of India, at Annam Brahma Restaurant tin Jamaica, NY, USA. The former President also holds the Peace Torch.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Oct. 29 1994 Sri Chinmoy meditates at the opening of a Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan symposium Oct. 29 at New York's St. Peter's Church. The symposium was part of a three-day Gandhi program that included the opening at Bhavan headquarters on Oct. 30 of an exhibit of drawings from the Master's third million bird series. Sitting to Sri Chinmoy's right is Dr. L.M. Singhvi, India's High Commissioner to Great Britain. The previous day Dr. Singhvi had visited Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma, where he was lifted into the air as part of the Master's "Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart" program.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 24   August-Mid-November 1994



Sri Chinmoy composes the song ‘Annam Brahma ... Tumi Pushti Tumi’.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 




MARCH 16TH  1995
Sri Chinmoy holds a special meditation for Annam Brahma customers in conjunction with the New York restaurant’s recent 21st anniversary (15 March). He also answers questions asked by the staff.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


March 16 1995 Guru held a special meditation for Annam Brahma customers on March 16 in conjunction with the restaurant's recent 21st anniversary.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 24   December 1994-March 1995


May 21 1995  Guru opened the New York Games at Columbia University's Wien Stadium with a short meditation on May 21; afterwards, he met at Annam Brahma with several of the runners, including Sudhahota Carl Lewis, Leroy Burrell and Sam Jefferson, and writer Jeffrey Marks

 Anahata Nada
Volume 25   April-July 1995


16 March 1995
Part V

Part VSCA 732-748. Sri Chinmoy answered questions asked by the staff of Annam Brahma Restaurant on the occasion of their 21st anniversary, 16 March 1995

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 20

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


16 March 1995
Question: What is the soul of Annam Brahma like?

The soul of Annam Brahma has boundless patience, boundless tolerance, boundless hope and sleepless promise to please God in God’s own Way.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 20

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


16 March 1995
Question: What does the soul of Annam Brahma want?

Sri Chinmoy: The soul of Annam Brahma wants each and every worker to have an abundance of enthusiasm and self-giving to our Lord Beloved Supreme.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 20

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


16 March 1995
Sri Chinmoy answered questions asked by the staff of Annam Brahma Restaurant on the occasion of their 21st anniversary, 16 March 1995.Question: Dearest Guru, do you have any special message for your discouraging and disappointing child, Annam … Brahma?

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 20

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


6 March 1995
Part V

Sri Chinmoy answered questions asked by the staff of Annam Brahma Restaurant on the occasion of their 21st anniversary, 16 March 1995.

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


16 March 1995. Question: What quality could we bring forward in Annam Brahma to please you the most?

Sri Chinmoy: Simplicity of the mind, sincerity of the heart and a oneness-life-song — these three divine qualities must run along with the dynamic and inexhaustible life-energy of the soul of Annam Brahma to its ultimate Destination.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 20

 Sri Chinmoy Library online



Sri Chinmoy meets with Dr. Elena Vladimirskaya, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology in Moscow, and her husband, a retired military officer, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. During the course of the meeting, Sri Chinmoy answers a number of spiritual questions from his guests.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


On 7 August 1995 Sri Chinmoy met with Dr. Elena Vladimirskaya, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology in Moscow, and her husband, a retired military officer, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York. During the course of the meeting, Dr. Vladimirskaya and her husband asked Sri Chinmoy a few spiritual questions. Their questions and his answers as well as other remarks are reproduced here.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


Nov.10 1995 
Sri Chinmoy Hosts Ambassadors' Dinner

JAMAICA, NY – Sri Chinmoy hosted an Ambassadors' Dinner Nov.10 in honour of the 25th anniversary of his peace meditations at the United Nations.

About two dozen ambassadors, ministers and other government officials from 11 African, Asian and European countries – many joined by their spouses – came to Annam Brahma restaurant for this gala event.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 25  August-Mid-December 1995




The Mayor of Kathmandu, Nepal, visits Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma restaurant, in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Sri Chinmoy meets Masanobu Ikemiya at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. Sri Chinmoy answers questions from the famous Japanese composer and concert pianist.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


On 19 February 1996, Sri Chinmoy met with the Japanese composer and concert pianist Masanobu Ikemiya at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York. These questions were asked by Mr. Ikemiya and his friends.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


11 May 1996
Part V

Sri Chinmoy had this conversation with a disciple at Annam Brahma on 11 May 1996, the day after her birthday.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 8

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


25 May 1996
Part II

Questions asked by Sri Chinmoy's disciples at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York on 25 May 1996.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 11

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


19 June 1996 Excerpts from a conversation between Sri Chinmoy and Robert Zmelick, Czech Olympic gold medallist in the decathlon, that took place at Annam Brahma Restaurant on 19 June 1996.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


MARCH 16TH  1996
Sri Chinmoy composes the song ‘Annam Brahma’ as a tribute to the popular vegetarian restaurant, in Jamaica, New York, USA. (The previous day, 15 March, marked its 22nd anniversary.)

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 



Sri Chinmoy meets with his good friend Father Tom at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 




3 April 1997 Excerpts from an interview given by Sri Chinmoy for a reporter from The New York Times on 3 April 1997 at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


On 25 May 1997, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York, Sri Chinmoy invited questions from Mrs. Darshanika Guruge, wife of Ambassador Ananda Guruge, and Mrs. Irina Malikova, Deputy Director, International Relations and Media, The Gorbachev Foundation, Moscow.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


JUNE 7TH 1997

Sri Chinmoy answers spiritual questions from his students at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


7 June 1997
Part III

Sri Chinmoy answered these questions on 7 June 1997 at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 14

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


7 June 1997
Question: How can we as disciples trust you more so that we can surrender our ignorance to you?

Annam Brahma Restaurant, 7 June 1997

Trust your Master more — he will not disappoint you

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


JUNE 11TH  1997

Sri Chinmoy meets with his former boss from the Indian Consulate, Mr. Lakhan L. Mehrotra, and his family at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


June 16 1997  Sri Chinmoy hosted a dinner for retiring U.N. Ambassador Dr. Nicholas Biegman of the Netherlands, and his wife, Mirjana, at Annam Brahma on June 16

 Anahata Nada
Volume 26  April-August 1997


JUNE 26TH 1997
Sri Chinmoy hosts a special banquet for Environmental Ministers — the Bangladesh Minister for Environment and Forests, Mrs. Sajeda Chowdhury; Ghana’s Minister of Environment, Science and Technology, J. E. Afful; and Zimbabwe’s Minister of Environment and Tourism, Chen Chimutengwende; as well as representatives from the Bahamas Moldova and Sweden — at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. Sri Chinmoy presents his honoured guests with an environmental and peace award on behalf of ‘Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations’, which he leads.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Sri Chinmoy is Interviewed by journalist Ms. Merle English from Newsday at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY,  USA. Her full-page article appears in the 'Queens Life' section of the Sunday edition of Newsday on 28 September 1997.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


[10 September 1997] Ms. Merle English of Newsday interviews Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, Queens. Her full-page article appeared in the ‘Queens Life’ section of the Sunday edition on September 28th.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


[10 September 1997] At Annam Brahma Restaurant Jamaica, New York. Journalist: Ms. Merle English


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


8 November 1997 Part V

Sri Chinmoy answered these questions at Annam Brahma restaurant on 8 November 1997.

Sri Chinmoy answers, part 32

 Sri Chinmoy Library online




26 October 1998
Unable to lift

This morning I could not do anything because of the pain in my legs. I went to Annam Brahma Restaurant to receive some treatment from Dr. Chu. When I am walking, I am unable to straighten my leg because it hurts so badly. Afterwards I was joking with one of the disciples that the condition of my legs is as bad as the condition of her soul.

Today I told Ketan that I want to lift six planes as soon as possible. The sooner the better for me. They should be between 2,700 and 3,200 pounds. I may have to go out of town very soon and I have so many other things to do. So I would like to lift them in one day if I am allowed.

26 October 1998


 Sri Chinmoy Library online




On 17 November 1999, the morning of his 14th weightlifting anniversary, Sri Chinmoy met with Mahasamrat Bill Pearl and Bhavatarini Judy Pearl for a special breakfast at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York. Following are excerpts from their conversation.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


Sri Chinmoy meets with Mrs. Shashi Tripathi, Consul General of India in New York City, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


On 25 November 1999, Sri Chinmoy met with Mrs. Shashi Tripathi, Consul General of India in New York City, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, Queens, New York. These are some excerpts from the conversation.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online




MARCH 5TH 2000
Sri Chinmoy meets with Khalid Khannouchi, the world’s fastest marathon runner (2:05:42) at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


March 5 2000
The world's fastest marathon runner (2:05:42),  Khalid Khannouchi, meets with Sri Chinmoy at Annam Brahma March 5 and receives the Peace Torch.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 29  Mid-November 1999 - Mid-March 2000


Sept. 1 2000 Humayun Rasheed Chowdhury, Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh, joined Sri Chinmoy for dinner at Annam Brahma Sept. 1 and then came to Aspiration-Ground for a special program in his honour

 Anahata Nada
Volume 30  Mid-July 2000 – Mid-November 2000


6 November 2000Proud to be an American

Many of you were there on Saturday morning when I opened the “International Friendship Run” at the United Nations with a moment of silence. There were 12,000 runners! Before the ceremony, I was talking to the world record-holder in the marathon, Khalid Khannouchi. He and his wife, Sandra, came to Annam Brahma a few months ago and we sang a song in his honour. He is originally from Morocco. He was applying to become an American citizen.

This time he himself told me that he is so proud to be an American. We took a nice picture together. He is now also the American record-holder in the marathon.


 Sri Chinmoy Library online




Nov. 12 2001 Sri Chinmoy joined an old friend for dinner at Annam Brahma Nov. 12, Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY) ..

 Anahata Nada
Volume .32   Mid-November 2001 – March 2002




OCTOBER 12TH  2002
Sri Chinmoy completes his 5,000th lift in his ‘Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart’ programme when he raises Vladimir Petrovsky, former Deputy Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union. The lift takes place in the back garden tent of Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. Songs by Sri Chinmoy, composed in honour of Vladimir Petrovsky, are performed by an acapella, all-male choir.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 




Oct. 13. 2003
Concert Honours Slovakian Leader

JAMAICA, NY – Former Slovakian President Michal Kovac, joined by his wife and son, were honoured at a private concert Sri Chinmoy and his students offered here Oct. 13.

Beforehand, the President and his family were Sri Chinmoy's dinner guests at Annam Brahma Restaurant.

Several years earlier, in November 1993, President Kovac had invited Sri Chinmoy to his castle in Bratislava for an official visit and a private interview. Dur­ing the meeting, the spiritual teacher meditated with the President and played the cello.

Afterwards, the Slovakian leader hosted a banquet for Sri Chinmoy and his students.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 34  August - Mid-November 2003




Sri Chinmoy meets with flautist Paul Horn — who had given a concert for Sri Chinmoy and his students the previous evening — for an extended lunch at Annam Brahma restaurant in Jamaica, New York. In the evening, Paul Horn attends a concert performed by Sri Chinmoy.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


OCTOBER 28TH  2004

Sri Chinmoy lifts members of the diplomatic community, including the following Permanent Representatives to the UN: Fátima Veiga, Cape Verde; Crispin Grey-Johnson, The Gambia; Alpha Ibrahima Sow, Guinea; Judith Mbula Bahemuka, Kenya; Cheick Sidi Diarra, Mali; Aminu Bashir Wali, Nigeria; and Boniface Chidyausiku, Zimbabwe, at a programme hosted by Ibrahim Gambari, UN Under-Secretary-General, in Jamaica, NY, USA. Prior to the lifting programme, Sri Chinmoy honoured his guests with a special banquet at Annam Brahma restaurant. After the lifts, the diplomats join Sri Chinmoy at the nearby Pilgrim-Museum.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections 


Oct. 28. 2004
African Diplomats Lifted Into Air

UN Under-Secretary-General Ibrahim Gambari hosted a lifting program for several African ambassadors at Aspiration-Ground on Oct. 28.

After offering the dignitaries a banquet at Annam Brahma, Sri Chinmoy lifted Professor Gambari and UN ambassadors from Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.

During the event, Professor Gambari and Maria Milucha Abrantes, head of the Friends of the Children of Angola, presented Sri Chinmoy with an award for his humanitarian assistance to the children of Angola.

The UN leader told Sri Chinmoy: "You have not just lifted our bodies ... but above all have lifted our spirits.

"You are a man of love. You are a man of compassion. You are a man of peace."

 Anahata Nada
Volume 36   August 2004 - Mid-November 2004


[28 October 2004]
The African ambassador takes tea

Once a few ambassadors from various countries came to see me. One African lady was either an ambassador or a deputy ambassador. We were all eating together in Annam Brahma Restaurant and I was sitting beside her.

Strangely enough, when the time came for her to take tea, she tore open the tea bag and emptied all the leaves into her cup. I could not believe it! Can you imagine, right in front of me she did the same thing that I had done on the plane so many years before. But she did not make any complaint. She was drinking the tea very happily!


 Sri Chinmoy Library online




22 February 2005 Sri Chinmoy meditated with a dear friend who had a serious health problem. 22 February 2005, Annam Brahma Restaurant, Jamaica, New York


 Sri Chinmoy Library online


22 February 2005
The Taj Mahal[^2]

Story by Sri Chinmoy, 22 February 2005, Annam Brahma Restaurant, Jamaica, New Yor

 His Compassion is everything to us

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


22 February 2005 Transformation: the most difficult subject[^5]

Talk by Sri Chinmoy, 22 February 2005, Annam Brahma Restaurant, Jamaica, New York

His Compassion is everything to us

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


22 February 2005
Japan: The Rising Sun[^3]

Story by Sri Chinmoy, 22 February 2005, Annam Brahma Restaurant, Jamaica, New York

His Compassion is everything to us

 Sri Chinmoy Library online


February 23 2005
Paul Horn Offers Special Concert

JAMAICA, NY – Renowned flautist Paul Horn gave a special concert for Sri Chinmoy and his students at a function here on Feb. 23. The following day,



Feb. 24 2005
during a meeting with the spiritual leader at Annam Brahma restaurant, he performed on the flute while Sri Chinmoy played the erhu, a Chinese stringed instrument.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 37  December 2004 - March 2005


APRIL 26TH 2005

Sri Chinmoy offers a Peace Concert at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, NY, USA. Listen to the concert...

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections


April 26 2005
Diners Get An Earful ... And A Mouthful

JAMAICA, NY – Sri Chinmoy performed a concert at Annam Brahma April 26 and at Oneness-Fountain­-Heart April 28 for specially invited customers of the restaurants.

After both concerts, the restaurants offered a complimentary dinner.

 Anahata Nada
Volume 38 April - Early August 2005


> Nothing for 2006




MARCH 26TH  2007
Sri Chinmoy celebrates the birthday of Ambassador Chowdhury’s wife Marium at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Jamaica, New York, NY, USA.

 Sri Chinmoy Reflections