In the battlefield of life,
We become the victors
Over ignorance-night
Only when
The sincerity of the mind,
The spontaneity of the heart,
The rapidity of the vital
The purity of the body
Work in perfect oneness.
I do love you and need you.
But I am telling you
In all sincerity
That I love and need
God's Will-Manifestation-Delight
On earth
Infinitely more.
Nay, God's Fulfilment-Smile
Is the only thing
That I sleeplessly need.
Morality is the excellence
Of the mind, heart and life.
Although spirituality
Is in morality and for morality,
It goes far beyond
Morality's territory-confines.
The divine in us
Also needs the same.
But the divine in us,
Being consciously and constantly
One with God's Will,
At times does not abide
By morality's strict injunctions.