On Leaving the Indian Consulate
“Mr. Chinmoy Kumar Ghose has performed his responsibilities with an unflinching sense of duty, an unquestionable integrity and thorough sincerity. We wish him every success in his endeavours to spread India’s message of Truth and Love and spiritual disciplines such as Yoga.”
— L. L. Mehrotra, Consul,
Indian Consulate, New York
Published in My Consulate years
A Letter from Leonard Bernstein
My dear Sri Chinmoy:
It is my pleasure and honor to write you these words of admiration for your astonishing achievements. You are a miraculous model of the abundance in the creative life that we lesser mortals seek, and I can only hope that I may some day meet you and perhaps participate in that cosmic fountain of stillness and profound energy which you inhabit.
Long life to you and your art.
— Leonard Bernstein
Published in Four Summit-Height-Melodies Meet with Sri Chinmoy