Spiritual Words

Sri Chinmoy invites disciples who had been on his path for under two years to offer him a spiritual word, on which he then elaborates.




There are many roads that lead to God-realisation, but the surrender-road is the shortest and, at the same time, the safest.


When we love God without any expectation, we become not only God's Heart, but also His universal Breath.


Human life is full of complexity. But when we have purity, we simplify our life. When our life is simplified, God multiplies His own Divinity — His Eternity, Infinity and Immortality — inside us. Purity is of supreme importance, not only in our heart, but also in our mind, vital and body. With purity, we get the assurance from God that we shall succeed in the battlefield of life.


When we have true humility, not false humility, God blesses us with a new name: luminosity. When we have luminosity as our true name, God blesses us with His Infinity, Eternity and Immortality. Humility is the secret key to open up God's Heart-Door.


Devotion is the magnetic power within us. When we have true devotion, like a magnet we pull our Lord Beloved Supreme into our aspiration-heart. Devotion is the sacred way of recognising our Lord Beloved Supreme.


Truth is the capacity of a human being to claim God as his very own. Love is the divine capacity which God uses to claim humanity as His very own.


The more we can develop gratitude in the depths of our heart, the sooner we shall not only feel the Presence of God inside our heart, but also grow into the very image of God.


There are numerous ways to please God. But when we can offer God a peaceful mind, God Himself declares our supreme victory over ignorance, over the divided world and the dividing world.


With our aspiration we go up high, higher, highest to realise God. With our dedication we go far, farther, farthest throughout the length and breadth of the world to distribute what God has and what God is. What God has is Concern, and what God is, is Compassion.


The life of desire is conditional. The life of aspiration is unconditional. 'Unconditional' is not a mere dictionary word. 'Unconditional' is a state of consciousness. When we are unconditional, we feel there is only one Reality that is always ready to give us joy in a divine, supreme way, and that Reality is God's Compassion-Tears and God's Forgiveness-Smile.

We can never become unconditional in any way unless we become one with God's blessingful, unconditional Self-Offering to humanity. We have to become one with God sleeplessly, breathlessly, birthlessly and deathlessly. Then only can we grow into unconditional love, unconditional devotion and unconditional surrender to our Lord Beloved Supreme.


Sincerity is always available in the heart. Sincerity is quite often absent from the mind, the vital and the physical existence.

With simplicity we can go right up to God's Door. But God will open His Door only if He sees sincerity in our mind, in our vital and in our physical existence.

Sincerity needs cheerfulness. Sincerity needs intensity. Sincerity needs soulfulness. Sincerity needs bliss at every moment. Then only can it act faster than the fastest.

Published in Rainbow-Flowers, part 3