Sri Chinmoy (no. 1) running in his first 10-mile race, one sponsored by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team in Greenwich, Connecticut. He completes the course in 1:45:22.


Photos by Bhashwar Hart


Dhrubha Hein (no. 180) leading the pack across th bridge.



On a chilly New York morning, and less than 2 days after returning from Europe, Sri Chinmoy walks the 2-mile course around the perimeter of Jamaica High School, in Jamaica, New York.


At the race, Sri Chinmoy offers this prayer:

My Lord, please forgive me.
Today I do not have any special prayer
To place at Your Feet.

“My child, tomorrow you must pray to Me
More than usual.”

My Lord, today I am unable to think of You.

“My child, tomorrow you must think of Me
Much more than usual.”

My Lord, today I am unable to love You.

“My child,
Tomorrow you must and must and must
Love Me infinitely more
Than you usually do.
My child, today I am forgiving you,
But you must not be negligent
In your prayers.
You must not be negligent
In thinking of Me.
You must not be negligent
In loving Me.
If you want to claim Me to be yours
And if I want to claim you to be Mine,
Then you must never, never, never
Forget your morning spiritual

Published in My Race-Prayers, part 2