by Animesh





Dedicated to my Beloved Guru

— the Peerless Seer-Poet —

Sri Chinmoy




Volume 14




Each grateful heart, each

Joyful tear, each soulful smile,

Each devoted life.





Who cannot hear the

Heart-whispering melody

Of nature’s beauty?





You are with me in

Rushed and rattled days, and in

The twilight’s calming.




Far from the crowded

Mind of the world, I seek a

Place of simpler truth.




God gave us the hands

To serve our Master Lord, and

The heart to love Him.





You place your foot on

The starting line and, in an

Instant — disappear!





When our mind asks — why?

We stop in our tracks, until

Our heart says — why not!




The heart is quicker

Than the mind to calculate —

With no division!




The Creator of

All worlds, vast and unmeasured —

Taking eons in

Their making — gives us this brief

And mortal moment to rise.




The climber’s final

Ascent of will, stretched beyond

The dizzying heights.





The unbreakable

Rhythm of the relentless

Long-distance swimmer.




O, to sprint the length

Of the unforgiving line

In one single breath!




Into the presence,

The God-adoring presence,

Of heart-belonging.





In the still of the

Evening, when all else retreats

Your heart-glow remains.





Strange are the forces

That propel our dreams to flight,

Yet hold us earthbound.




Nothing else really

Matters, as long as I know

I am coming home.





With the carry and

Flow of a stream, poetry

Enters the ocean.





You are far more than

You know — O dreaming Light of

Eternity’s dawn. 





Along the windswept way

Albatross dip and glide in

Endless freedom flight.




Is the world shrinking,

Or is it that our hearts are

Becoming larger?





Soul-birds appear from

The artist’s blessing hand, in

Arcs of perfect form.





Your young life was saved

When you saw your mother’s face

In the tiger’s eyes.





In the Court of the

Supreme, my soul makes its case

In perfect silence.





The only witness

Called for the defence is my

Own gratitude heart.





Each moment of our

Avatar’s life is written

In letters of gold.





When thoughts — tired and 

Embattled — go astray, then

We kneel at God’s Feet.



To every country

You came, bringing Peace to the

Faithful — and the faithless.



From mountains to the

Sea and all between — touched by




Because hope is not

Of the mind, we dare to hope
Beyond all reason.



Souls in gentle flight,

Weightless as a feather, glide

With heaven-free grace.



Like revisiting

A place of sweet memories —

So, I think of You.



Not only are our

Lives full of meaning, they are

Deeply meaningful.



In our Bill of Rights,

One article we need is —

Let Thy Will be done.



Flowers of the field

Chase the morning sun in search

Of colours unseen.



The strength of our heart’s

Oneness, forever keeps us

Safe within its hold.



With a touch of Grace,
Even the unchangeable

Can suddenly change.



Let us try to play

The most meaningful part in

Our own life story.



On a winter’s day,

I seek shelter — a place of

Heart-warming delight.



Without Grace, how to

Reach the Infinite, with our

Finite, feeble steps?



God forbid that the

Voice of reason is drowned by

The noise of non-sense.



Unthinkable — to

Conflate the highest Truth with

Shameless fallacies!



Who can track the stars

As they ferry the night sky

With their hearts ablaze!



No matter how well

We are anchored, sad news sends

Our whole world spinning.



Of all the prayers

Placed at Your Feet, is there one

You could not answer!


Melodies seem to

Be lingering in the air,

Patiently waiting

For Your golden flute to call

Each note into existence.



Waiting out the stark,

Winter-bleak hours of the

Soul in hopes of spring.



We invoke neither

Cosmic gods, nor hallowed saints —

We need only You.



In night’s reckless storms

And in days of fair weather,

Hold fast our mainsail.



The unbroken line

Of an eternal promise —

And God is smiling!



I follow the path

Down to the deep forest glade,

Praying to find You.



You inspired me

To reach for knowing, beyond
The knowable world.



Let our hearts not lose
Their oneness, like drops that splash

From the river’s flow.



We receive gifts of

Unexpected beauty — when

Our hearts open wide.



A myriad of

Souls come spreading Light throughout
The vast universe.



There was never a

Need to define commonsense —

Somehow, it just was!



We take a peek at

Our bright future, each time we

Smile in the mirror.



Whisper-soft, the lake,

In morning meanders, when

A swan takes to flight.



Life’s uncertainty

Abruptly reminds us that

We are not in charge!



We are regular

Commuters between inner

And outer worlds.



To give selflessly

Like the rising sun with no

Thought of a reward.



Within tragedy

There is humour — smiles within

Tears — tears within smiles.



When we return to

This holy place, all our joys

Will come to greet us.



Our souls will travel

Onward — forever one and




Even in Heaven

Your Soul’s luminosity
Shines the brightest.



Dear Lord, there seems no

End to war — still, we pray for
Your transforming Peace.



From the perfect touch

Of silence blessed, comes the first
Sound of creation.



Our hearts are fountains

Of hope, filled by the cascade

Of divine promise.



A single flower

Embodies the blessing of

Heaven, here on earth.



Sometimes we plan too

Much, only to find God has

Already done it.



You gave me a heart

To believe, therefore I will

Believe in my heart.



We swing between the

Highs and lows along the arc

Of expectation.



Not the pen, or the

Page; not the word, or the phrase —

But the One who Is.



To express beauty

Never before beheld — the

Dreaming poet weeps.



Throughout life’s teeming

Disappointments, just knowing

You care makes us smile.


By listening to

Our inner being, we learn

The language of Light.



Those were the days when

Music rang in the air and

Wonder filled our hearts!



Our prayers for peace,

Are carried on the wind to

Hearts in distant lands.



How long before the

Monsoons return, blessing all

With compassion rain!



To our wonderment,

You plumbed Pacific depths and 

Scaled Everest heights.



For millennia,

Sages have sought Your blessing —

And, the earth still sings.



We breathe with one breath,

We feel with one heart, we live

With one touch of Grace.



Who needs a life of

Complication, when God just

Needs simplicity?



In the gathering

Of unrushed moments, we know

Your approach is near.



What heart does not know

The pain of separation

Or hopes unfulfilled?



Our thoughts turn on whims

And follies, in the clamour

For life’s illusions.



My heart is singing

Spontaneously today —

Your heaven-blessed songs.



So sad — mankind still

Believes it is in charge of

Its own destiny.



Even a lion’s

Roar is no match for the sound

Of God’s thunder clap.



When the day repairs

To take its rest, my heart writes

Night letters to You.



Our Pilot Supreme

Keeps eternal watch over

Wild, tenebrous seas.



You fared the seven

Higher worlds — to stay with us

For a time on earth.



I must meditate —

Someone is sweetly calling

My heart to silence.



We need not pray to

God in the sky — for God prays
Deep within our hearts.



Every note of Your

God-songs contains a world of

Heavenly delight.



Easy to accept

World-worn ideas than strive for

The ephemeral.


A world divided

By fray and fear, longing to

See the Peace Torch flame.



Your heart is always

Wide open to those who seek

Shelter from the storm.



God gathers flowers

For our heart-shrine so we may

Feel closer to Him.



O, God-warrior!

O, world Saviour! You returned,

As Heaven’s Hero.



When hearts are at one

No obstacle to peace is

