by Animesh





Dedicated to my Beloved Guru

— the Peerless Seer-Poet —

Sri Chinmoy




Volume 21





Over and over
Again, our hearts repeat the
Same word — Gratitude!


Only one raindrop 
Need fall from heaven, for the
Whole forrest  to smile. 



The Eternal Flame —
Long ago lit by Your Soul’s


You chose for us the
High path — not oft-trodden — one,
That always rises. 


God is smiling through
Our tears as we remember
His surrender life.



We do our best each
Day to serve the world soul — not
For our own reward.


No earthly thought can
Contain its form in silent
Stratospheric heights. 




Peace is not only
An option, it is in fact —
The only option!


The real tragedy
Of life is when we ignore


Of myriad thoughts,
So very few can turn life 
Into poetry. 



The gentle lap of
Waves along night’s surrender 
Shore — as peace descends . . .


When all hope seems lost, 
Even then our hearts hold to
Hope unlimited!



A message in a
Bottle sighs — undiscovered
On a lonely beach!


When we carry our
Oneness-heart within us, we
Are never alone.



Time is not ours — we
Borrow our fleeting lives from
The eternal now.


Faces in a crowd —
Those with hope, glow, while those with
None, seem not to care!


Your come to visit
My dreams, to soothe my soul with
Your sweet melodies.



Remember me, when
The cherry blossoms rise — and
Fall upon your heart.


In perfect silence
We hear prayers of centuries



To the stars and back —
We sail on the inspired 
Wings of poetry.


Deep within my heart 
You are playing — I know well
Your footfalls of light.



Not focused on the
Here and now, the benign gaze —
From the summit blessed. 


The pinnacle race —
The victory gong, the oneness
And transcendence-song. 


To look upon earth
From inner heights, to breathe in 
The beauty-vast dawn. 



I like to do laps
In an open pool, where light
Ripples with each stroke. 


The miser of thought —
The mind — will not relinquish 
Its prize processions. 


Yours is the life that
Needs no expression, yet you
Willingly share it.



One by one they land
On terra firma — safe, from
Their midnight crossing. 


Your peace poems will
One day be the headline on 
Prime time evening news!



To leave the past as 
It was — with no regrets — and
Not a backward glance.


To claim the present
And each opportunity
As a special gift.

To look the future
In the eye — and see all that 
We are meant to be.



Like a tulip, our
Long winter journey ends — with
A burst of glory!


A heavy heart needs
To be taken lightly — if 
We want to survive.



The storm passes by,
Yet the house of bamboo and 
Rice paper still stands.


Who am I to teach,
When every answer I give 
Begs more questions?



The Enlightened One
Gave up his princely wealth — and
Became the Buddha!


Even as time is
Running out, we feel we have
An eternity. 


In every country
We can find those who speak the
Language of the heart.



An ice-clear morning —
The temple ground echoes in
The sound of prayer. 


O heaven-close
Smile — you are the inner light
Of the formless form. 



There will never be
A last prayer-poem — for God
Is still creating. 


It is not magic
That changes reality
But our perceptions.  


From a distance, I
Glimpse you waving  — and my heart 
Runs towards your heart.



All space and time are
Contained in the expanse of
Your heart’s universe.


On the beat of a wing,
The butterfly is gone  — such
Exquisite beauty!



There could never be 
A heart so rare, that Heaven
Itself has not claimed.


Somethings we are not
Permitted to say — those, we
Should leave to others. 


The play of light from
Another world — there at the 
Dappled water’s edge.



The high breeze carries
Your soul-flute melodies through
The forest treetops. 


It is easy to
Forget — there is no fun in 
Being unhappy.


At the appointed
Hour, long ago, we set sail
On our heart-journey. 



God’s oneness-heart prays
In and through us — for our
Dear and precious ones. 


God brings our prayer-hearts
Close to Him, so our lives can 
Feel His oneness-touch. 


We are not only
Part of God’s oneness-life — we
Are — His oneness-life. 



In the morning, I
Sing your songs — at night, my soul 
Sings them back to me.


We are the ageless,
Trying to inspire the
Ageing — here and now!



I seek a place where
The wild lotus grows, where peace
Itself is breathing. 


Teardrops fall softly
From the artist’s brush upon 
The canvas of time.



We meditate on
The Moon god until our hearts 
Are brimming with Peace.


We meditate on
The Sun god until our hearts 
Are ablaze with Truth.


When I hear your name,
Immediately my heart
Responds with pure Joy. 



So close yet so far, 
For the hands that reach — yet not
For the heart that waits.


We focus on the
Light within — where life’s cruel 
Waves cannot touch us!



Today my heart is
Leaving — leaving its deepest
Gratitude with You! 


My heart is flying,
With the divine vision of
Your soul-sparkling eyes. 


I will carry home
All the Love, Kindness and Joy
You have given me.



One day, there will be
No words — till then, I shall send
You my heart-poems. 



As the morning light
Stretches to infinity
It warms every heart. 



Even when the wind
Blows cold across wintry skies, 
Please remember me. 


We may not be our
Best everyday, yet we put 
Our best foot



My heart loves to  roam
The heaven-free skies, to wing 
The vastness dreaming.


When we speak before
Thinking, life seems to throw our
Words straight back at us. 


The world is at my
Window — looking in, looking
Out — it sees me not!



On mountain heights, a
Pot of water boils quickly,
Yet is still lukewarm.  


Perhaps gods came down
From realms on high, in search of
A good cup of tea!



We are on a quest,
You and I, to see how far
Our hearts can expand.


In every order —
Beyond the magnitude of
Longing — I miss you.


Night river flows, out
To the sea, carrying dreams
Of the day gone by.



The divine forces —
With their rescue-blazing Light —
Are fast approaching.


We will not close our
God-gilded heart-doors, even 
In times of trouble.


To the one who chose 
Us — to the one who sustains
Us — we will remain. 


To the One who chose 
Us, we shall remain; to the
One who sustains us,
We shall remain; to the One
Who claims us, we shall remain. 


How much will time tell;
And how long will it take — these
Are open questions. 


Aspiration-Ground —
The gentle silence — and the
Crickets’ evening song.



‘Now’ and ‘then’ — have their 
Perfect resolution in 
A heart of oneness. 


We find suffering
Nothing new, when we think of
Those who went before.


We can always find
New Joy — when we follow our
Heart’s call to oneness.



In teardrop morning
Meadows we gather God’s Heart-
Flowers for our shrines.



If we see not the
Subtle ways that crisscross our
Human lives — then why!


The emptiness of 
An island continent — the
Vast, ancient spirit. 


There is no option —
We have to surprise ourselves
With our resilience!



From the roof of the
World, a raindrop falls — saved by
God’s vast safety net. 


We maybe made of
Atoms — but even atoms
Are made of pure Grace. 



Each time a divine
Thought takes flight, it makes its way
To inspired hearts.


Beyond the prince’s
View, the mendicant makes his
Palace everywhere.


I have not read this
Book — merely held it in hand —
Yet, poetry sings!



Theologians may
Describe — but who will claim — the 


The moon is rising
And with it, it brings a new
Hope for peace on earth. 



In whom can we trust
To hold our gaze when the
Tiger is prowling?


The brightly tipped wings
Of Heaven’s newness, charm earth’s
Upper atmosphere.



God knows why our minds
Are conveniently not
Aware when He calls!
