by Animesh





Dedicated to my Beloved Guru

— the Peerless Seer-Poet —

Sri Chinmoy




Volume 20





In all that we are,
And in all that we do, we
Are your promise-drop.


If we leave this world
Just one thing, let it be our
Breath of gratitude.



Where the winds run high —
The air, clear, crisp and clean — there,
The pinnacle play!


My Lord, rescue me
From ingratitude island —
If you can find it?



I feel the presence
Of your heart’s smile in the soft
Morning air — I feel. 


I see your face in 
The sky-blue vast; in cloud-white
Brushstrokes fine — I see. 


I hear you running
Through the green and the dense groves;
Your footfalls — I hear.


I catch your sweet and
Gentle fragrance as it plays
On the breeze — I catch. 


I taste the nectar
Bliss of your ambrosial
Heaven-height — I taste. 


I touch the edge of
The finite when your soul comes
To bless me — I touch.



Who says God is a
Non-interventionist — when
HOPE lives in our hearts.




Hokusai’s Great Wave
Never breaks — beyond time, it
Remains immortal.




Your gentle heart-waves
Wash over my heart — with all-
Embracing oneness.


In you, I see the
Unattainable beauty
Of heavenly heights.


In the core of my
Heart, I hear your sweet whispers —
In their joyful play. 



Remember to pray —
Forgiveness alone will cure
Our forgetfulness.


The pre-requisites
For a happy heart — hands that
Pray and feet that run. 



You are coming home
And my heart is thrilled — I can
Not wait to see you!



In the City of 
Hearts — no stop and go signs,
Just signs of progress.


We are the life breath
Of our soul on earth — here to
Manifest one Dream. 


Do illumine me,
Lord of the effulgent Light 
With your divine gaze. 



A starry night sky —
All the cosmos gathers for
One finite moment.


We have searched and searched, 
For centuries — an endless 
Journey — still, we try.



If oneness cannot
Find a home on earth
Then where will it go!


If dissent is the 
Example we set now — then
What of the future!


Our role is not to
Correct a confused world  — but
Pray that Light descends. 



We are drops of Peace
Come to fill the ocean vast
With dreams of oneness.


At evening’s close, my
Tired heart is crying for 
Your smiles of love-light.



To know nothing, is
By far better than to know
The gossiper’s tale. 


O river of hope
Take our hearts with you to your
Vision’s destiny.


We hold desire
Tight in hand while time slips like
Sand through our fingers.  



As the disparate
Sounds of day fade to night, our
Hearts claim the silence. 


Life should not be the 
Sum of shattered fragments, but
One unbroken whole. 


Peace — so simple — yet
Difficult for a complex
World to understand.



For those who live in
The heart, the chains of the mind
Can never bind them.


We pray for God’s Grace —
Rather than wait forever 
Until all else fails. 



Where is the heart that
Never stops loving, and the
Smile that never ends?


For you, we care  — there
Is not a minute in the
Day we do not care.


God’s concern is the
Golden thread, woven into
The fabric of life.



Each unenlightened
Opinion is complicit
In truth division.


A Oneness Band will
Be playing God Songs in our
Heart Palace tonight.


You are such a soulful inspired and appreciator


All in a moment, 
Your smile caught my heart in 
Its skyward embrace.


The sleeping lion
Is purring, perhaps dreaming —
Of his own heaven!



O inner pilot
Of my life’s journey, how can
I ever thank you!


The world says and does
Anything — must we react
To everything!


Our souls are singing
And dancing on the highest 
Branch of our life-tree.



Each and every day, 
A new poem wings its way
Home — to your heart’s nest. 


Our sense of oneness
Knows instantly, of that which
The mind makes no sense. 



When heaven and earth
Meet, worlds merge and emerge in
Glorious newness.


In toss and tarry, 
In the swirling currents of
Life — we learn to swim. 


New world leaders should 
Have an age limit — none more
Then seven years old!



On the mountain crests —
Home to ethereal heights —
There, gods meditate.


World transformation, 
May not come in our time — but
At God’s destined hour.



Our philosophy
Of life, must be consistent
With reality.


Your philosophy
Of life, transcends the limits
Of reality.


God’s philosophy
Of life is perfection of
All realities. 



Let us dive into
The endless beauty of a
Luminescent sea.


Out of your silence-
Heart was born all that has been
And all that will be.


Our hearts are longing
For ever-higher worlds — those
Blessed by God’s own Hand. 



The piano  — your 
Field of Kurukshetra — where
Plays the battle high!


Sweet memories of
You still spread far across the 
Vast inner heartscape. 


I sail upon a 
Sea of peace, because I have
Your smile in my heart.



Worldly thoughts only
Give us headaches — never mind


We are given to
Earth by the stars, to spread the
Light of the heavens. 


No ordinary
Mind can contain all the heart’s



In the seeking, in
The finding, in the becoming —
Our hearts are complete.


One glance from you, and
In a twinkling, the world goes
From darkness to light. 



Let us pray, mankind’s
Actions today preserve a
World for tomorrow.


Let us pray, mankind’s
Actions today deserve a
World of tomorrow. 


When tomorrow comes
And the world falls silent — God’s
New promise will dawn!



You touched our hearts with
Ageless grace — a child who jumped 
Each hurdle of life!


Joy you gave; inner beauty
You gave — smiles you gave. 



The monsoon winds come
With the blessingful gift of


To tally life’s worth
In wins and losses — yet to
Ignore inner peace!



The paradox of
Life — to find our true selves, we
Must first lose ourselves.


Love, devotion and
Surrender — the solution 
To all life’s problems.



God loves happy hearts —
Just to be happy can make
Miracles happen.


Only in heaven,
Could such a soul exist, yet
You walked among us.



As the snowline of
Mount Fuji begins to melt —
Haiku waters flow.


I write heart poems
On the wind, and bid them take
Sweet tidings to you. 


May gratitude tears
Fall like gentle rain upon
Your forgiveness heart.



As birds fly south on
Ancient wings, so there is a
Season for each soul.


We are twice blessed — once 
When we know, then when we
Know — what to forget.



Let centuries pass —
Time is of no consequence
When you are with me.


We are not finite,
We play not finity’s game.
We are — infinite!



Those were the years of
Wonder, when seconds contained
Eternity, and
We ran with light speed to catch
Infinity in our hands.


One gratitude thought
Is all it takes to open
Your forgiveness heart.



We swim in the peace
Of a meditation sea —
Absorbed in silence. 


In ways unforeseen,
Your divine countenance draws
Our hearts close to you.


Poet of the heart, 
You need no words to express
Your innermost dreams.



Why crowd our minds with
More thoughts — when we have far too
Many of our own!


Inspired thoughts have
A line of sight directly
To the heart of Truth.



An inner door will
Open  — just patiently
And quietly pray.


Even when you are
Not here, you are here — because
Your heart is with me. 



We are pilgrim souls
Following our gratitude
Path — to our heart home.


This much, I do not
Know — when, where, what, how and why,
Yet, I do know — Who!


Each gift I receive,
I offer to your heart from 
Mine — without a thought.



You came into my
Life at just the right time  — of
Your divine choosing. 


The innocent eyes
Of a child see most clearly —
Goodness in this world.


Let us please our Lord
Supreme for at least one day
In this fleeting life. 
