by Animesh





Dedicated to my Beloved Guru

— the Peerless Seer-Poet —

Sri Chinmoy




Volume 19





For those who treasure
The heart, God is constantly
Creating beauty.


A heart of beauty
Is constantly creating
Newness in the world. 


The world that treasures
The heart’s beauty, reveals God’s
Ever-smiling face.



A second, when filled
With gratitude, can contain
An eternity.


So little room left
For God the Infinite in
Man-made religion.


Blessed were we who walked
In the prayerful footsteps 
Of our Master Lord.



Our inspired thoughts
Have a direct line of sight 
To the heart of Truth.


We do not need to
Import uninspired thoughts 
From a heartless world.


We return again
And again to the time our
Hearts first saw your face.



You gathered sweet songs
On your gentle descent from 
Those heavenly realms.


You embody the
Soft light of dawn and brilliance 
Of the midday sun.


O songbird divine,
Each day you bring to the world 
Your heaven-free songs.



We have all we need
When our hearts become the sea 
Of humility.


In my life‘s songbook
The gratitude songs you wrote, 
Are my favourites.


A chain reaction
Of joy, starts when God’s Grace and
Our willingness meet.



The vain pursuit of
Material happiness
Leaves the world bankrupt!


We live not just to
Be; we come not just to live —
We live, to become.


We are envoys of
The divine — with a very
Special peace mission.



My mind is at rest
When I remember that I 
Am not the doer. 


In the shimmering
Twilight — in the transition
Between heaven and earth.


Hearts that carry the
Inspiration of the soul, 
Can carry the world!



It is the message
Divine — carried on the four
Winds and seven seas.


No matter — to be
Judged right or wrong by the world —
If God is smiling.


In the distant sky —
In the vast blueness dreaming  —
There, I see your face. 



Were we to sight the
Elusive deer, we would need
Be the forest deep.


Everything on earth —
From empires to a grain
Of sand — rise and fall.


Subtle records of
The past remain — until God
Rewrites history!



God is constantly
Creating new beginnings
For all those who pray
Devotedly — for His Will
Alone rewrites history.


When the hour strikes —
Lifelong promises we made
Will all be fulfilled.


A moonlit night, and
The charm of the sky gathers
Our hearts together. 



God’s tears turn to Joy
As they fall gently upon
The world-heart ocean.


The sum of all our 
Yesterdays — but a moment
In our endless quest.


Down to the river 
Valleys where waters run deep —
Purity abounds. 



Three soul-birds, perched on 
A branch — each one is singing 
The happiness song.


No matter how hard
It may be, we still dare to
Catch the rainbow’s end. 


I am dreaming of
My heart home, where I  am wrapped
In smiles of delight. 



We set sail on the
Morrow’s dawn — jettison now
All that impedes us!


To dip a brush in
Colours never seen; to paint
A line with no end.



We follow the Light 
Of our Beloved, spreading
Joy all-where we go.


Songs you once taught me, 
Are now singing by themselves
Deep inside my heart.



God can walk on earth
With absolute poise — since it
Is His creation.


False economy
To invest in doubt — with no
Positive returns!


Each need is met — there
Are oases even In
Shifting desert sands.


The vicissitudes
Of this mortal life are not 
For the faint hearted.


We come carrying
The divine banner to the 
Battlefield of life.


How blessed are we to
Have spiritual sisters
And brothers who care!


In our limitless
Imaginings, who could see 
This divine outcome.



We have within us
The force that created the 
Universe — always!


Critics do not know the
Depth of inner commitment —
And many never will.


For those who run the
Inside track — now the sprint to 
The finish begins!



With your heart came the
Golden touch to my haiku
Inspirations book. 


God is praying that
We never once depart from
His oneness-life dream. 


The most important
Gift in all of creation
Is our oneness-life.



At the peace table
Of the future, the heart first
Reads the soul’s message.


Those who have helped us
Once, have helped us again — to
Express gratitude.


Oneness alchemy
Turns each drop of sadness to
Immutable Joy.



O universal
Mother, the earth is badly
In need of your Light.  


Of all the divine
Qualities, it is Light that
God chose to speak with. 


O dispeller of
Darkness, we need your divine
Light more than ever.



Today I wonder,
From where will inspiration
Come — only God knows.


We may meet for a
Second, yet in that second —
 Lives Eternity.


Such rare and precious 
Beauty deep inside your heart —



The summer evening’s
Rhythm and tide — the gentle 
Lap of night’s shore waves.


Suddenly, a door
Has opened and I enter
A new world of hope. 


My Lord, please do not 
Remain on the mountain top —
Do come and visit. 



Left or right, right or
Left — is not important when
Oneness is preserved.


We need not shoulder
The problems of the whole world —
Not even our own! 


Tonight’s temple ground — 
The air, redolent with the 
Scent of heart-flowers. 



In the temple of
Devotion — in the silence-
Heart of dawn worship.


Always reserved for
You, is endless time and space
Deep within my heart. 


Where time cannot be
Measured and space is not bound, 
There I wait for You. 



The whisper-air that
Brushes by, leaves your sweet and
Soulful messages. 


What worries you, is 
Worrying us all — in tears
We are not alone.


If we allow them —
Faith and intuition will
Write our life stories.



One teardrop of your
Concern, ripples across our 
Heart’s oneness expanse. 


O inspiration
You have come again  — do stay
As long as you can.  


I wish to live in 
The fragrance-song heights of your
Infinite blessings. 


Intangible Joy —
The petal-fall touch of your 
Smile upon my heart.


It is our job — to 
Approach the world with
Our sincere goodwill.


Beauty born of light,
That has travelled with the stars,
Shall remain ageless. 



At sunset, when the
Heavens are lit with gold — then,
I know you are near. 


Mind borders, built of 
Brittle ideas, will fall to
God’s oneness ideal.


Conceived; unachievable,
Achieved — by Your Grace. 



Half a century
Ago, you called me back
home —
O my Beloved.


Today my heart is
Singing a sweet, familiar
Bengali refrain.


With Your Absolute 
Love of God, You  became the
World transformation. 



We gladly hold  the
Peace Torch,  not just for ourselves
But to pass it on. 


The committee of
The inner world must please the
Will of the Supreme.


You peek around the
Corner when I least expect
It – O delight smile!


I an tired, yet
I follow a guiding star —
The road is endless.


It is not by our
Love of God that we are here
But God’s love for us.


For our voices to 
Be one, it takes no more than
For us to listen.


There are no fish to 
Be found in a dry lake bed —
Only empty boats!



Your soul-stirring words
Echo the foreverness
Of the cosmos vast!


Each time you appear,
A cascade of heart-delight
Falls from heaven skies.


The Department of
Circumstantial gods, takes care
Of unforeseen things.



Humility sweeps
The ground where gods and mortals
Alike will soon tread. 


Cannonball boy screams
By — watch this! — oblivious 
To God’s compassion. 


The silent mountain
Knows that success-height does not
Come from our efforts.



O where are you my
Friend so dear — come, play with me
In our heart’s garden. 
