by Animesh





Dedicated to my Beloved Guru

— the Peerless Seer-Poet —

Sri Chinmoy




Volume 22





Our hearts are carried
By the whisper of God’s Dream —
In our morning prayers.



With Grace, to serve each
Fullness day — and with Joy, to 
Play each role our best. 


How many times has
Your Compassion-Heart saved us
From our own self-will!


When we return to 
Our timeless serenity —
God is pleased with us.



God takes birth each day
In the hopes and the dreams of
All sentient beings.


At the frontier of
Thought formation — we have the
Choice of what to think.


A rock, enjoying
Millennial slumber, does 
Not squeal when stepped on.



An elephant carved
In stone-grain strength, bejewlled with
Transcendent glory. 


The last catch before
The storm — we run for shelter —
Indra, please spare us!


The resplendent tea
Gardens of Darjeeling — the
Mist and mountain green.



The heart-expanding
Realm of God’s Delight reminds 
Us where we belong. 


We empty our minds
Into our fullness-hearts so
Our thoughts can feel Joy!



A journey that starts
With one doubt,
has so many
Uncertain endings.


We pray before each
Action, but before we can
Pray, Who prays for


God’s surety smiles,
When we have the courage to
Trust our inner light.



In the nestling of
Twilight resting — in the hour
Of moonlight blessing. 


In the leaves of light
Glistening — in the shadow’s 
Quiet listening.


You are with me in
Our heart depths caring — in tears
Of oneness sharing. 



Your all-perceiving
Eyes cast their view upon each
Aspiration heart.


We inspire each
Other to reach higher than
We could by ourselves.



In the presence of
Angels, we dissolve in the
Heart of Heaven Light.


Let us not submit
To the cruel assessments
Of critical minds.


In this life, there is
Every chance we will become
What we want to be.



The architecture
Of heaven — reflected in
A flower petal. 


There is no foregone
Pathway to tomorrow — when
God’s Will intervenes. 



The greatness of an
Idea is not in its earth-
Shattering triumph!


At times our minds weigh
Far more than our bodies — when
We lose our heart’s joy. 



The olive branch of
Peace, hangs just out of reach — as
Centuries roll by. 


Even an island
Fortress can never protect 
Us from our own thoughts.



How can we be sad
When the music of the soul
Breathes in and through us?


Prayer does not live in
The world of things and pieces,
Of follies and chance.


I will gather all
Those precious moments shared — to
My heart’s inner core.



Who inspires our
Hearts to coalesce, in this 
World of fractured thoughts?


Above world sorrow —
We wing the welkin blue of
Our heavenward way.


Our souls are resolved
To prove that world oneness is 
Not a far-off dream.



To catch a glimpse of
Beauty amid life’s turmoil, 
Feeds the starving soul. 


Protected by God —
Mankind’s highest ideals are


Washed by our  soul’s prayer-
Currents we are the shores of
Undiscovered peace.



Stepping through the rush
Of day into a realm of
Unexpected Joy.


We sprint to the field
Of dreams, to please the One who
Created our Game. 



No matter how much
We share our heart’s gifts, we will
Always have enough.


We are God’s chosen 
Children, tasked to share His Love
With all creation.  



God Himself walked with
Us on earth for a time — still,
We hear His footfalls.   


Our hearts constantly
Remind us to remember
The word — gratitude.


Our souls continue
Day after day to offer
Our gratitude smiles.



We are born of the
Transcendent — to express the
Unknowable truth. 


I bookmark your page
With love, so I can read it
Again and again.


Who am I and what
Do I know — so much more and
Far less than I think. 



How the children play —
Before they are shaped by a 
World set in its ways!


With Grace, we come to
Know that for each dead end there
Is a way forward.



Each God-devoted
Heart is at the vanguard of
World transformation.


We cling to so-called
Certainty while in the swing
Of impermanence.


May the vast blue sky
Of dreams always be home to
The bird of my heart.



At each and every 
Moment, we must be ready 
To be uplifted!


While religions are
Debating, the Peace of our
Souls is feeding us. 


When we are kinder
To ourselves, our kindness spreads
To one and all.



To act in good faith,
Despite the outcome, is a
Noble victory.


Though our hearts may be
Besieged by life‘s losses — let
Gratitude remain. 



Politics is a
Man-made compromise — God is
Not political. 


Heaven-made oneness
Is spirituality —
We are spiritual.



Nineteen thirty one —
The year God played upon His
Special kettledrum.


Nineteen sixty four —
The year God walked upon His
Chosen Western shore. 



All the trees have come
Together to discuss the 
Future of mankind.


In one divine brush
Stroke, the artist captures the 
Essence of the soul!


We are a danger
To ourselves, when we believe
That we have free will.


In the hush and pause
Of silence — from a whisper —
There, a word is born. 



In our lives of haste —
Either we want the clock turned
Backward or forward.



My Lord Supreme, do
Allow me one more moment
On earth to serve you.



My Lord Beloved
Supreme, wherever you lead, 
Let me follow You.



O my guardian,
O protector of my life,
O silent witness!



At the tipping point
Between heaven and earth — our
Soul’s transcendence dance. 


Let us not put our
Spiritual lives on hold for
Meaningless pursuits. 


Thank You for my heart
That loves You, and thank you for 
My life that serves You. 



God’s presence within
The world is the only gift 
We can all cherish. 


O my Lord, do let
Me always remain a child,
Playing at your Feet.



I know when I pray, 
I am in the comforting 
Lap of God Himself.



A simple problem —
Becomes trapped in the mind’s maze 
Of complexity.


From the possessor
Of the Sun, we are given
The Llight of reason. 


In the depths of our
Heart is God’s assurance that —
He will not fail us.



My Lord do protect
Our subtle nerves — so we can
Feel your subtle form.


Into life we came
With boundless joy and hope — let 
Us not spill a drop!



To the casual gaze — the
Mysteries of life.  